(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Nadina Boun
Live from your heart, not your mind that likes to have a say on everything, that likes to find limits and labels for everything, that likes to define, all in order to understand. Your mind is like the teenager who thinks it knows it all, and therefore likes to define it all in the way it sees it, the only way it sees it, which is very finite.
Drop into your heart, live from your heart, that knows the eternal, the infinite, the limitless. Your heart is the center of all your guidance, your inspiration, your cues forward. Your heart knows the way. You can say it is really the brain of the creative operation, giving your mind the illusion of control, for your mind is where the ego dwells and constructs itself.
Your big heart, your sacred heart is where the Divine dwells, who out of infinite love, allows this game to go from the ego’s perspective, because it wants the ego to know, to understand, to choose, to be free, because the Divine itself is free and knows no bondage.
Live from your heart means give permission to the Divine love within you, to the Divine Spirit within you, to lead the way. You can call it your Higher Self if you want, calling you to more of you, to take her place, so you can rise higher from there, embody more from there. Your heart is the key, and that’s why emotions/feelings are very important for you to be aware of. But when you are in your mind, thinking, analyzing, judging, you cannot hear your heart. In silence, you turn to your heart. When you shut the world outside and turn the attention within, you can hear your heart, for it is the world within and requires then, that you turn within.
The outside is a beautiful playground for you to play, to enjoy, to express. It never defines you, it never has control over you. But when you give power to the mind alone, to the ego alone, then you are in trouble, for you will find you need to keep fighting, proving, fixing, changing, controlling. In other words, you’ll find things are out of your hands. But when you tune to your heart, it will tell you, all is actually perfect, and that you are seeing it this way, as imperfect, from the ego’s view, the mind’s view, which is extremely limited to be able to see beyond, to be able to see a bigger picture.
Your heart is the key to move forward in light, in love, in joy, for your heart knows the way forward, and knows it blindfolded. To live from your heart is to live from love, to see it all from the eyes of love, like a mother watching her child, with so much love, free from any judgment, with a heart full of hopeful expectation, for she desires she best for her child.
And the Divine light in your heart is exactly like a mother who looks at you with love, unconditional love and is always desiring of your best. So when you tune to your heart, you tune to the best that’s available for you. And there is so much more that is available that you haven’t realized yet, and it’s all there, ready to be delivered to you, out of infinite love and support for you.
Live from the heart that knows the perfection in all, the Divine perfection in all. Just stay in your heart, in your heart, in your heart. Whenever you find yourself judging, come back to your heart and begin loving, and that’s how you practice to love it all, from the heart, the center of your being.
We love you very much. Be whole, be at peace, be in love, for that’s what you are.
Live from your Heart | The Council via Nadina Boun
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/10/2023 03:00:00 AM