(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Nicky Hamid
That Gaia is ascending is already a forgone conclusion.
She is expanding through magnifying and amplifying higher frequencies, and has to make Her changes. And She is making them so considerately, so gently, so delicately as to cause the least disruption to life.
SHE is waiting for YOU to realize this within yourself for you to see the New World.
To make the dimensional Shift. To come ‘down” (descend) in your full PRESENCE of Being Here Now.
Do not concern yourself for her.
Just ask yourself, “Can I allow my own required changes, in the same manner and without succumbing to the old patterns of fear and doubt?”
Gaia holds the key codes to our crystalline form, and they can only be activated to come on line if from within we are in harmony with Her. As we sing our Soul Song with Her She can Sing and Activate the New codes for our evolution and Hers.
It is ordained. It is time.
Each in there perfect place now, standing in the exact place to be connected to the correct node for the activation of the New Earth.
As you Sing your “Song” Earth sings back to you the New Codes
The Divine gift is that we can all ascend with her. This is why we are here and why we have been so expectant for a long long time.
And the Great Plan is that we are consciously becoming multidimensional, transdimentional beings while in form.
No wonder we are anticipating, hardly daring to dream, and excited about what we are creating and is beginning to unfold for people everywhere.
In your conscious Remembering to choose “Light On” you hold the exact place for the remembering for All of Us.
All the surface stuff in the affairs of the human collective are are coming up because it is LEAVING.
And when every human on this planet has had the opportunity to make their choice, we will let go of duality reality with love in the heart, gratitude in our demeanor, and wonder in our eyes.
Sweet friends tread with softness, with prudence, and grace.
Your walk is sacred.
I So Love You
Gaia Waits for you | Nicky Hamid
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/10/2023 03:00:00 AM