(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Nicky Hamid
Your Being Knows: Genius of Being
“Success” in anything is about us recognizing our “genius”. A beautiful word when taken in and contemplated. The “Genius of Being” who we are ,and owning the gifts we bring.
Everyone has the genius of Being and as a teacher we can communicate it best through sharing our Presence, through our Joy, in the simplest of ways.
And I have seen it work for so many others because being in the Presence of someone living their genius it is catching and highly contagious.
I too have been Present with all sorts including, artists, writers, builders, athletes, academics, business men and women, office workers, and gardeners and laborers who have studied nothing of metaphysics.
I simply focus on how to lead them to “experience their own unique “being in the Zone” and learning how to choose it at will.
When anyone gets to the realization how they can truly rely on themselves, then I witness them blooming and flourishing in their own genius.
Oh what a magnificent experience it is to watch them and to share in their joy and expansion.
It is up to you to bring out the best in You.
And it is easy, because Genius of Being is not something you have to seek and attain. It is there residing within you, simply waiting for you to relax and allow it to flourish through your Joy and Enthusiasm for expressing the Life which is in You.
To have the courage to follow your own process of becoming without knowing where it will lead, rather than trying to lead it and/or pry it out of yourself.
Genius of Being cannot be measured by what you create. It is in the energy of your Presence in the creative moment. And it is creative genius that sits in the peace of “at Homeness” while all around is in apparent chaos, and IT watches as the agitation subsides and harmony begins to return once more.
It is in the non-doing that you will discover this Genius of Being that you ARE and its manifestation in your Life’s work (your play).
Shine On
I So Love You