(Golden Age of Gaia)
by James McConnell
I am the one known as Lanto. And I come for the first time through this one, James, as I appeared to him recently in one of his dreams and let him know that I wished to come and speak.
For the times that are ahead are going to be quite rough at times for all of you. And this is when it is so much more important to look for the beauty around you, to find that joy in the moment. These are those times that you have been waiting for, for so long. This is what you came here to do. This is your mission, to move through your life and experience as much as you can the joy in the moment.
Experience as much as you can raising the vibration in that moment. And in that vibrational feeling and energy within you, experience life at that point, at that higher level, where some describe it as a blissful moment, with the energy, the vibrational frequency so much higher. And you indeed are in a higher feeling, as if you were high on drugs. But it is not the physical drugs that you are high on; it is life itself. It is the energy of life. The feeling of being alive, alive in the moment.
This is where you are moving now through your ascension process, your ascension process that is indeed beginning to pick up steam very much so, even if it does not appear to be that way, certainly not at all times. But, again, as much as you can, whenever you think about it, simply raise your vibration, however you have learned to do it.
Whether you use crystals, whether you use energy transference. Whatever it is to raise your vibration. Just as you have done in your meditations, working with the chakra centers. That is always a good way to raise your vibration. If music does it for you, beautiful music that heightens you, brings you to the next level of your being, bringing that blissful feeling music. Animals, the expression of animals around you.
Whatever it is that works for you, find that in your life, and express that more and more as you can. Because it is going to be more and more important to you as these times come forward, as the dominoes begin to fall more and more, to find that joy in that moment, even though it will be a time seemingly like a fleeting joy.
But you can hold it longer, and longer, and longer because you are aware. You know what is happening in those moments. You know that it is just simply a part of the illusion of the third-dimensional expression continuing on as they have always continued on. Life expressing in sorrow, in fear, in despair.
But you know that that is just simply a part of the illusion, that you can move beyond that illusion, move beyond that expression, and always reach for the skies, reach for the highest level of your being. Reach for your Higher Self within you. Let your Higher Self catapult you higher, and higher, and higher in the moment in each and every moment that you can. And certainly you have learned throughout the many, many lifetimes that you’ve been here and, even before you came here to this evolution here on this planet, you knew how to experience the highest levels of your being. And that continues on into yourselves these days. It is all there within you, you just simply have to reach for it, reach for it in every moment that you can.
Because it is there. It is there for you to express, for you to feel it within yourselves, and then express it outward to others so they can learn from you; not so much feel it from you, although they might. But to learn from you. To see with their own eyes the expression of joy and bless within you. And that will catapult them, just as you were catapulted earlier on in parts of your life and lifetimes before this to find that joy, to catapult to that joy, to find the experience of love expressed within you. The Source expressed within you.
I am Lanto, and I appreciate this time that I can be here with you, and bring this message to you. For it is a timely message. It is a message that will continue on throughout your existence. Your existence in this lifetime, and beyond this lifetime.
Peace and love be with all of you.