By Steve Beckow, July 14, 2023
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Imagine you’ve just been on galactic patrol on Earth and you’re dirty and hurting and discouraged.
Because you’re a star warrior, you go back on board ship and, just in entering the ship’s portal, whoosh, all dirt is gone, all pain, all discouragement.
Just like that.
Feel what that would be like………
OK, now you know what it’s like to suddenly find your consciousness inside the heart, being hit by the tsunami of love for the first time.
Whoosh! All cares and concerns, all worries, hopes, and fears are swept away and you’re left, as you originally were, pure and innocent, but also satisfied and fulfilled. Just like that!
The consciousness state that you are left in cannot be described. It would need a string of superlatives and would not seem credible to some; others would shrug their shoulders and not know what we’re talking about.
That doesn’t change matters! The tsunami of love that flows inside the heart is what you’re looking for. What is Ascension but the full and permanent opening of the portal that the heart is so that we’re re-united with the higher dimensions? (1)
I expect the Ring of Fire/Wave of Love after the ten days of broadcasts: That’s how I’d do it. (2)
I’m going on my own experience: Remember Xenia? It took a spiritual experience to jackhammer me out of the despair I felt after viewing a part of Frazzeldrip. (3)
Well, the despair we could feel when the truth of what’s going on on our planet and in its slave colonies beyond will require, I think, a spiritual experience to jackhammer the planet out of its shock. That would be the Ring of Fire. That’s the timing I’d recommend.
I experienced my heart opening alone and had no one really to share it with. The Ring of Fire will see everyone on Earth experience the same heart opening – together! What might THAT experience be like? I can’t wait to find out.
(1) Other names for Ascension are Sahaja Nirvikalpa Samadhi, Vijnana, Nirvana, Buddhahood, Salvation, Resurrection, Redemption, mukti, moksha, liberation from birth and death.
The knot in consciousness (the granthi) that keeps us corraled in Third Dimensionality is loosed and no further obstacles presents themselves to our expanding our consciousness into the higher dimensions.
Sri Ramana Maharshi describes the process of Ascension here from an operational standpoint:
“The nexus of the body and the Self [Atman, Christ] is called the granthi [knot]. It is only by this connection with the Self that one is aware of the body.
“This body is insentient. The Self is pure awareness. …
“Enveloped by the diffused light of pure awareness, the body functions. …
“Even as subtle forces like the electric current pass through visible wires, the light of awareness flows through a nadi [nerve] in the body.
“When the effulgent light of awareness shines in atma nadi alone, nothing else shines except the Self.
“Anything that appears before (such a jnani [sage]) has no separate existence. He knows the Self clearly as the ignorant one his body.
“He for whom the atman [Self or Christ] alone shines, within, without and everywhere, as (clearly as) objects to the ignorant, is called one who has cut the nexus [destroyed the knot in consciousness; opened the portal permanently]. …
“As a heated iron-ball appears as a ball of fire, this (body) heated in the fire of Self-enquiry shines as the Self.
“The old vasanas [core issues] pertaining to the body, (mind and so on) are destroyed. Being free from body-consciousness one never has the sense of doership.
“Since such a one has no sense of doership, his karma, it is said, is completely destroyed. As nothing but the Self exists, no doubts arise for him. Once the knot is cut, one is never bound again. This is considered the state of power supreme and peace supreme. “(Sri Ramana Maharshi in SRG, 49-55.)
This is the sahaja or natural state. This is Ascension.
(2) See:Ring of Fire, Wave of Love at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Ring-of-Fire-Wave-of-Love-R7.pdf
The Event: A Planetary Heart Opening for Gaia at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Planetary-Heart-Opening.pdf
(3) For the first few months after Xenia, I was unwilling to make reference to Frazzeldrip. I did not want to traumatize anyone else! So it doesn’t form a part of the description of the experience written a few days after. See An Ascension Ethnography at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/An-Ascension-Ethnography-9.pdf. Search on “xenia.”
Just Like that! | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/15/2023 12:51:00 PM