By Catherine Viel, July 14, 2023
(Golden Age of Gaia)
July 13, 2023
Via Email ~ Dr. Peebles through Natalie Gianelli ~ NatalieGianelli.com

A Note from Natalie
Beautiful Souls:
We can’t stress enough the value in daily meditation. It is going to be the practice that literally separates the thrivers from the strivers as we move through the next few decades. If you are not yet meditating every day, I’d like to offer some encouragement and a few tips.
First, start by committing to just five minutes a day. Before you know it, your session will automatically extend as you get more comfortable and familiar with the process.
The easiest way is to settle yourself into a position that feels comfortable, but you won’t fall asleep in. Then listen to a sound that is in the room. Keep bringing your attention back to that sound. Or choose a word or mantra to repeat. These techniques give the mind something to do instead of wandering off willy-nilly.
People think meditation is about clearing your mind of all thoughts; but it’s actually giving the mind one thing to think about and bringing you back to that one thing. When you notice a thought entering your mind, you can bring your mind back to that one sound or word.
It’s a mental focus game, when you treat it as that; the ecstasy of the meditation finds its way through the cracks.
Abraham, as channeled by Esther Hicks, has a detailed explanation in this YouTube recording of a discussion with a client: https://youtu.be/s0hPrFZAf8w

More words from Dr. Peebles on the importance of meditation:
We encourage you to spend time in meditation, training yourself to follow the gentle nudges from the truth of who you are. The presence of the true YOU, which you hear in meditation, almost always has a wonderfully beautiful piece of wisdom, revelation and peace to offer when you take the time to listen.
The heart is always leading you to your next “yes,” in alignment with what would please you most joyfully, whereas the mind is simply circling.
The meditative process is as important as drinking water.
Without meditation, the mind is left to its own devices. With meditation, you are more attuned to the soul of who you are, and therefore you have an opportunity to explore, with true imagination, true fascination, true interest and intrigue. This makes life more fun!
We encourage you to spend even 5 minutes a day checking in with the truth of who you are. When you do, navigating your life is much easier. You’ll recognize there are no rights or wrongs, and you can choose what pleases you. You’ll become good at asking for help, at enjoying yourself, at allowing your soul to lead where you truly want to go instead of following the mind’s distraction.

Dr. Peebles: You are Capable of Much More Ease | Catherine Viel
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/15/2023 12:49:00 PM