By Steve Beckow, June 6, 2023
(Golden Age of Gaia)
I’d like to look at the mindset, the attitude that, in my opinion, would work best in the time ahead.
Werner Erhard pointed out, back in the Seventies, that what we resist persists. That doesn’t apply to a military operation to take down the cabal. I’m speaking attitudinally to non-military lightworkers.
On the one hand, what we resist we dance with. What we resist we create ever more subtle or forceful means to conquer, overcome, transcend, whatever. Around and around we go, keeping our attention on that which we’re resisting.
What we love on the other hand, we wave on its way. We have no desire to impede its freedom. When it’s done, it goes, with a wave.
The cabal loves resistance. For some it’s a source of loosh, energy from dark thoughts and feelings. For others it allows them to manipulate us and consolidate their power – without being lynched by a mob, as George Bush Sr feared.
What we need to do is to maintain our loving attitude. If we want to be spiritual activists, then, in my view, that means to love. To love our families and friends but to love our enemies as well, as Jesus asked of us.
Why? you may ask.
First of all that love buoys us up. Secondly, it invites divine oversight and maximizes our chances, karma being a factor to take into consideration, of not becoming entangled in the darkness.
One final note: To love…. How do I love? Do I struggle and try to zap the person with a love glance from my Third Eye? Do I send out radio waves of love, saying zzzzzzzzzz as I do? How do I love?
I really am speaking of something partly mental and partly concrete The mental part is: In any imaginary way you wish – drawing up a bucket, turning a switch, tapping an artesian well – draw love up from your heart on the inbreath and on the outbreath send it out to the world.
What I mean by “concrete” is that, while in the beginning you may not feel very much, when the geyser starts flowing, you’ll experience love of a kind you never even dreamed possible. THAT is concrete.
One reason most of us may not have experienced that kind of love is that love must flow. We may be looking for love as if it’s a gold bar that we can store away. No pass. Love is not a concrete object even though all concrete objects are made of love.
We have to draw love up from our hearts and send it first around ourselves and then out to the world to experience it in the first place.
We literally have to “go with the flow.”
But there’s more. We need to stop focusing on divisive issues and find common ground. I’d like to speak to that tomorrow.
How do I Love? | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
6/07/2023 03:23:00 AM