(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Nicky Hamid
Instead of looking at a person as difficult, aggressive, resistant, distrusting, skeptical, negative.
Look at them as a person in fear, pain, hurting, feeling unworthy, isolated, disconnected, unloved.
In doing this you have changed your paradigm, you have shifted.
Now envisage who they truly are, a magnificent Shining, vibrant fractal Presence, projecting an aspect of themselves into a body Deva to gain an experience and a knowing of Creation on Earth.
Watch the magic.
Everyone begins to change around you.
Shine On
I Love You
This is how we offer a “healing blueprint” for so called “bad behavior” in our young.
See them differently and they can become empowered through their own discoveries and from bouncing off the blueprint you are Shining in their direction.
You grow through allowing your own process and dropping the old programming.
Children will grow if the control programs no longer operate or have the power within them to control how they think of themselves.
This does not mean to ignore your own boundaries of what is “aligned behavior” for you, nor not indicate to another where you stand.
A major part of the Shift is the dropping of all control programs in our manner of thinking.
They do not work for us so how can they possibly work as systems of human community?
Haven’t you noticed, our systems of education, health, welfare, government, financial, etc, etc are completely out of touch and obsolete.
They are all falling apart and cannot be fixed.
The so called “Indigos” and “millennials” cannot “fake it” and in fact they refuse to.
But seeing our culture does not offer as yet an alternative that makes sense many are stranded in the reality of a totally confused world.
All they have is a counterculture that helps them numb the pain of being stranded.
They are demanding to experience something real and until they get it they will continue to be a “thorn in the side” of society.
Good for them.
Change your Paradigm | Nicky Hamid
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
6/08/2023 03:53:00 AM