(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Nicky Hamid
With a Warriors Will and an Angels Heart.
This is a BIGGY.
It is time to face all the relationships you have and face them fully and squarely within yourself.
That which is not “working”, that pulls you into old, sluggish, and dense (3D), and out of your “higher” alignment has to go.
There are no half measures.
No more “pussyfooting” around.
You have to honour yourself and drop all attachments, to things, relationships, places, if you are using them to define who you are, being very honest with yourself.
If you do not “walk away” with Love in your heart, then one way or another things will be taken away from you until you do.
And dropping attachments does not mean dropping or giving away anything. As HUman you still have your personal likes and dislikes.
It means that anything in your field impinge and press you to let go of being anything but a free will enhancement of your wellbeing and not an essential to your Being You.
Face and embrace.
Anything that is for your highest good has to be renewed in your “higher” knowing.
If you cannot honor your own “highest” how can you fully honor that of another.
Yes I know this sounds tough but your own heart and knowing will not accept any compromise, anything less, where stepping into your higher Light Body and the New Earth is concerned.
And whatever you choose….. that is alignment with you, through your inner feelings of balance and harmony, Love and contentment, is totally up to you.
I So Love You
PS Yes great discernment. And choose whom you share with and what you share wisely.
“Spiritual” gossip is widespread.
Hidden secrets harbored in the subconscious are arising and each must deal with their own. Shadows of our insecure past, to bring our Love to bear on it all.
Jealousies, subtle unconscious “back stabbing’, misappropriation of the ideas and creations of others, and the insecurities of self-worth and competitiveness, are as rife in the so call ‘spiritual community’ as anywhere else and are rising for all to take stock of.
Knowledge and technique belongs to all, and who am I to mistakenly think that I have exclusive “rights’ to any of it.
Surely if I have gifts then they are only gifts if they are given freely to bless and empower another.
And none of this is about money or position.
These are incidental and arise out of the virtue of the open relationship and choice between the giver and the receiver.
Towards the ONE.
A Warriors will and an Angel’s Heart | Nicky Hamid
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
6/07/2023 03:20:00 AM