Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Separation | Nicky Hamid
(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Nicky Hamid
Regardless of what appears to be don’t forget.
Maybe it is all a Great Gift.
Maybe you are just being asked to move out of old habits of thinking and seeing and into your peace and to see the whole human drama (the 3D movie) from your point of compassion and lovingness.
Keep your peace, be your peace and the healing, the resolve, the dissolve of all traumas will be real.
What all the players in the drama are enacting is the duality of separation from Self.
Love them All.
Can you look at trauma/drama, not seeing despair but feeling your compassion, maybe even your tears, and cry for the Love, Honour and Respect of them all.
Yes the so called “victims”, but also those who are so lost and afraid that they lash out.
What we are seeing is the last throws of this separateness as all the dross and Shadows (the vast history of man’s inhumanity to man) is rising to be cleared in the HUman Heart.
And what you are feeling is the last throws of your own illusionary drama of separation in the collective and in the experiences of your body that is releasing the toxic effluvia, the unkind lies about the True Nature of HUman and who WE are.
You see, all you have to do is step back into your Love. Hold that ground Lovingness within you for you and the space for the resolution of these things (for all the players and for the healing /transformation of your own body) on a larger scale so that your compassion knows that Love is the resolution of it all and says “I so love you all, I understand what you are doing, I honour your journey and choice, I Love you and will always Love and honour you, because, like me, you are Love Incarnate”.
And to your own body, your compassion for yourself says “I so love you, I understand what you are doing for me, in regenerating, healing. I honour your journey as you have always honoured my choices. I love you and will always love you”.
We are transforming ourselves and thus all humanity is being healed through You holding always within you the Honesty to remember all that arises in you and
Love the gifts of Knowing that it brings.
So Love You.
PS And why have you made an enemy of your Ego?
Is this not separation also?
Look how it serves you. Honour it, do not alienate it as though it is not part of the beauty of your whole expression and journey Beautiful HUman.