(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Nicky Hamid
Happiness is a choice”
So how do you move from the pattern of misery, which is so familiar and “comfortable” even in its denseness, to joy, openness, expansiveness and creativity?
You start small (which is actually huge).
You wake up in the morning, sit on the edge of the bed, take that deep breath of light and say “thankyou” just for being there.
Then ask yourself “what is the most important or valuable thing for me to focus on today”. One thing only. State it out loud. Then make up your mind that whatever unfolds in your day you will make sure that this will be accomplished (whether it is that you are going to meditate, meet a friend for lunch, take a nap, do some exercise, write etc, etc,…… something for YOU.
Then at the end of the day. Do the same thing as at the beginning. Sit on the bed, breath, and ask “what was the most valuable thing that happened to me today, what gift did I get, what new thing opened up for me?” (say what it was out loud, feel the appreciation) and say, with palms, together, “thankyou”.
Do this with caring purpose for 21 days and you will have broken the inertia of misery or “negative under tow”.
And the same applies whether it is a small temporary “downer” or you are in full blown misery.
TAKE CHARGE and allow the FLOW to work.
You have never had so much support.
All you have to do is OPEN THE DOOR. And It will flow in and flow out of You.
This IS Loving You in action, this is Shine from the “inside to the out”.
Don’t just Believe in You, get to really Know You.
I do.
I So Love You
PS And folks do not say “I have done that and been there”. The mental mind can easily dupe you into non action.
You have come through the Great Portal. Everything is New.
You cannot judge anything based on having done it before.
There is so much more energy behind and within you.
21 days only. It takes that to establish a “habit” pattern in the new neurons that are sitting in you brain right now. Right now waiting, connected to both hemispheres. A Knowing IN FEELING. Build your “HAPPINESS” circuits.
Your choice ….do or not do….No “Try”
Happiness is a Choice | Nicky Hamid
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/30/2023 02:40:00 AM