(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Digger Barr
“I am going to Egypt,” I said to my friend.
She looked at me with confusion in her eyes, “Why?” she asked.
Taken back by that response, I returned the confused look and replied, “I don’t know how to answer that question. It actually never occurred to me to ask.”
In my mind, I had a totally different response. I thought, if you have to ask why, you would never understand the answer I would give.
The truth is, the reason is so deep within me an answer still has not risen to the surface.
The travel application for the group package asks the same question.
When filling out the form I just assumed they were looking for information so that they could provide the best experience possible.
But ever since my friend asked why, I have been curious about my answer as well.
Egypt. Doesn’t everyone want to go?
I purchased some luggage recently at Costco. On the way out you hand your receipt to a clerk who checks your purchases against your receipt.
My clerk was wearing a scarf across her face. I gathered she was Muslim.
Looking at my purchases she asked casually, Oh, where are you traveling?
Egypt. I replied.
She stopped what she was doing and looked right into my eyes.
“The Mother of Life,” she said.
Her words went right into my heart and I sucked in my breath. “Yes”, I said.
“You know this?” she questioned.
“No, I didn’t but when you said it It sent a vibration through me.”
“It is”, she said and I smiled.
I couldn’t tell but I bet she smiled too.
When I think about Egypt as ‘The Mother of life’ it feels right. The Divine feminine as source of life on the Earthly plane.
I suppose this is all going to be revealed as so many before me have discovered .
A timeless pilgrimage probably since before 3400 BC, there is still no greater mystery in the modern world.
Her secrets and magic cannot be taught from books.
It must be felt. It requires your actual presence.
Even though I have never visited Egypt, she has always been with me.
So much so, I have a visceral image of the Nile as a fallopian tube giving birth to all of humanity.
A birthing place with memories and keycodes embedded in water, rock, wind and sand.
By visiting the Temples apparently one can activate memory banks stored deep within our DNA.
With proper intention, chakras open and information can flow more freely.
In this way, Egypt is still giving birth to those that are ready to breathe in and receive her energy.
What do I want to experience while exploring this Wonder of the Worlds ?
I truly have no idea.
And why would I want to limit the possibilities by putting it into words before I go.
It’s possible that even when I am there I won’t know what is happening.
The mystery will continue within me.
That alone is a good reason to go.
My departure is still a few months away.
I will write and share more.
Hopefully much much more.
There is still room in our group if anyone would like to join us for 2 weeks this November.
Egypt is Calling | Digger Barr
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
5/30/2023 02:42:00 AM