Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Heaven on Earth | Jeffrey Scott Pears

(Golden Age of Gaia)

Heaven on Earth

Jeffrey: Since we’re creating a new earth, I thought your readers might like to contemplate what that might look like. Thus, here is my brief summary of Heaven on Earth.

I believe the time between thought and manifestation is quickening. Thus, the clearer we are (what we intend) while residing in heart-centered, present moment awareness is a powerful way to “ride the wave into higher vibrational living.” So I ask you, what does heaven on earth look like to you? Let us call upon Spirit to define what the new earth, the new garden of life looks like as we transition into fifth dimensional beings.

The new earth to me is a state of consciousness attuned to the Creator and shining the light, love, and perfected values (peace, humility, kindness, harmony, etc.) of ascended masters through each human being’s heart. This transforms and transfigures each human into a Divine representation of Spirit in form, a messenger of the light, and channel of Divine love for all of life here and throughout the universes. All souls are instantly connected with each other and with the collective which fosters harmony in existence, harmony in intention, and joy and bliss throughout all sentient forms. The mineral kingdom, plant kingdom, and animal kingdom are instantly revealed as a symbiotic living organism on planet earth, thus recognizing unity of oneness.

Knowledge flows from the heavens easily into the conscious minds of those who are surrendered to God, the Creator’s Will. The lightbodies glow at various degrees of intensity depending on the level of clarity, perfected spiritual practice, and integration of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual awareness.

Telepathic communication is quite normal and a preferred form of communication. Clairvoyance, seeing energy, seeing auras, using energy to improve reality for earth is one line of knowledge to practice and master. Multidimensional awareness and control opens up new vistas of vision and helpfulness to those humans who master it. Channeling ascended masters and angels from the angelic realm helps humanity to grow and evolve. Groups of spiritual practitioners use the power of manifestation to work on group projects together and create works of beauty and inspiration.

Longevity of two-hundred to six-hundred years of living in your crystalline-based lightbody allows the human race to evolve exponentially in a relatively short amount of time. Partnerships with intergalactic civilizations, exploration of other worlds, and serving as ambassadors of light from earth will become more and more prevalent and known. Humanity will move into and beyond a Star Trek community into a universal brotherhood of light across galaxies.

Levitation will become a spiritual practice while fully conscious. The ability to travel without cars and standard forms of transportation, but simply with the power of thought, bilocation and trans-dimensional awareness will be easily accomplished.

All of this will be based on unity, love, and the universal law of One. That is my vision of the new earth, fifth-dimensional living, heaven on earth.