(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Digger Barr
A gentle sensation of love is vibrating through my whole being.
My heart is overflowing and spills over like a fountain in the center of a park pool.
My feet are comforting, barefoot and flat against the ground.
My whole essence is in calm amazement.
Closing my eyes, I sit in this vibration and allow myself to be the receptive pool rippling the love in, through and around me.
On the precipice of the solar eclipse, the energy already is powerful.
It will be felt by many different perceptions of reality and circumstance. We are enmeshed fully in those energies now.
I took a few days off last week. I went on a short wandering journey. During this outing I immersed myself in Gaia.
I found her sea shores, her moss covered trees and her mountain fed creeks.
I was absorbed in her green, her gray, her warmth and her cold.
It came in the form of moisture, wind, and rays.
She blew mist against my face, splashed waves over my feet and drizzled rain over my back.
The wind dried my face and the sun warmed my back. My feet laughed during it all.
It wasn’t a long journey but it was powerful. Spending time with friends was nice.
Spending time with Gaia was beyond words.
Developing a reconnection during this energetic time seems to have a powerful impact on my whole body.
Everything about her steals me away.
Heart, mind and soul are in awe, in love and in reverence.
I have fallen in love with GAIA all over again.
Now I am home, back in the tall pines and basalt columns of rock. And she is here with me in a different way.
She is the same. She is complex. She is simple.
She is pure love.
With all her diversity she cares not how different we humans are. She loves us all for we reflect the omniscience of her.
Not that it’s a reflection of her but that it’s a reflection of who we are. Maybe we don’t even know that about ourselves.
We forget sometimes to see how we are all connected through her. How we are connected to her.
Now is a good time to turn to her and reconnect.
The beauty and awe that awaits has so many rewards.
She has something for everyone no matter who or where you are.
So while the planets dance about the skies, Sit with her, talk with her and ride this cosmic energetic wave in pure love.
Be grounded my friends
Love to all