(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Nicky Hamid
The Shadow in Psuedo-Authority
There are so many “games” being played in the so called “spiritual communities”. They are subtle and hidden in what I call “a “shroud” (subtle shadow etheric cloak) of service to others when it is really, consciously or subconsciously, still with strong elements of service to self.
It is ubiquitous and sneaky both for the other and yourself. You get a kind of “clingy uncomfortable feeling” in its presence. It makes you doubt yourself.
For some a flash of a dark being (entity) is seen and or even a feeling like a dagger in your heart. This can be intended in a snap negative thought (judgement) of you or unconscious from the originator (unaware of the shadow hidden in their own Auric field).
It is part of our awakening journey in order to learn to discern what is True in our own Heart and what is masquerading as truth (shadow).
It is rife as we travel through the upper reaches of what is often termed by many as “the 4th dimension. As we become more in tune to subtleties of our own Truth feeling they become more detectable.
BE AWARE (beware) that you do not put anyone else’s authority above your own “gut feeling” (in contrast to little ego mind story generator).
And the discernment comes from listening to your immediate sense of Heart knowing. And you will always get it though it is quick and in a flash at the very moment of impact of the other.
You are learning to heed it.
This is why I say “First thought is right thought”.
It is all about Trusting your own Truth telling.
And mostly you may not know why, at first.
And you don’t need to nor explain yourself to others. Just act on it privately.
You learn why on a need to know basis.
You are being True to your Highest Knowing which transcends stories.
It is so much more about your choice to listen and becoming the Love guided, first responder to your own Knowing.
I So Love You
The Shadow in Pseudo-Authority | Nicky Hamid
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/08/2023 07:35:00 PM