(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Digger Barr
What is the one thing that every successful relationship needs?
Let’s make it a riddle.
Everyone needs it.
It is hard to earn and easily broken.
It’s not plentiful but everyone has it.
It’s something we give in order to have and we need to have it in order to give it.
The truther community should know this one very well.
We are the seekers of truth and it has been the breaking of this that has fueled our fire.
The answer is: Trust.
We had given our trust to a system that failed us.
We have given our trust to a reality that was full of lies and deceit.
Once that is known how can we ever learn to trust again?
Trust is an emotion.
It is something that we feel.
It cannot be bought, sold, or traded. But it can be earned.
Once burned, putting trust in something becomes much harder.
We become hardened. Other emotions attach themselves to this one trauma.
It represents the main element in most core issues.
Without trust, how can you heal ?
The answer to this is of course to find yourself by going within.
Learn to trust yourself and the rest will follow.
Finding a connection to your higher self takes an immense amount of trust but it is a solid.
This is the foundation from which all spiritual growth generates.
Putting trust in another may be more challenging. Trust in larger groups will be measured.
And trust in parties outside of your inner circles even harder still.
In fact depending on the level of betrayal and the emotional harm done, that trust may never happen again.
It would have to be a strong act of faith to bypass this process.
How will we ever have a government that we can trust?
I am war weary and my earth experience has been rough.
It will take good communication, impeccable integrity, and absolute honesty in order for you to earn my trust.
I am not going to lie. There will be a string attached. A new relationship will be conditional.
Can I love you but not trust you? I think yes.
That is the ultimate love, is it not?
I can allow you to find yourself and that includes your journey to earn the people’s trust.
The truther community is at the forefront of this trust issue.
We are the ones that are standing tall, going forward and calling out the lies and deceit.
We can see it clearly everywhere because our blinders have been removed.
Blind trust. Never again. We are tainted. Like spurned lovers, we are pissed.
Slowly we ready ourselves to heal. But that healing is coming from within.
And this takes time.
Those parties that approach us with gifts and offerings wanting to create a new relationship need to understand this.
If you have a business proposition, know that first and foremost, I do not trust you.
Why should I? What have you done to show me its okay?
I have learned not to trust. Blind trust will never happen again.
Do you think this is a victim mentality? Get over it. We have all been victims in this war.
I am healing. I am learning how to trust myself.
This trust with my higher guides is the best relationship I can invest in for true healing.
I believe in truth. That is what I am seeking.
I am looking for truth and when I find it I will give it my trust.
But if that thing shows itself to be based in lies and deceit, How, oh how, will I feel ?
This may be the steepest part of the journey yet.
And vice versa, I cannot expect others to trust me.
I will need to earn it. I need to walk my talk.
Thus far, when I speak my truth, many have seen it as lies.
From this I learn compassion, forgiveness, and faith
I find solace in the love that fills my being.
I know and trust the love that fills me up.
I want to share and spread this love to others.
When I see that they share this feeling, I will be at peace and trust that the Divine has guided us to come together.
This is the blossoming of a good relationship.
With a foundation based in love I will embrace it and learn to trust once again.
And this takes time.
With all of my love
Riddle me this | Digger Barr
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
3/08/2023 07:36:00 PM