The Immutable Coin | Catherine Viel

By Catherine Viel, February 13, 2023

(Golden Age of Gaia)

February 12, 2023

But the faith doesn’t die
That in our time these things
Will amaze the literate children…
And the dark places be
Ablaze with love and poetry
When the power of good prevails.

~Derek Mahon, Afterlives

My life overflows with shoulds, mostly related to serving my family or doing things to ensure the ol’ homestead keeps humming along. If I do something purely for myself it’s usually because of a health issue. My motivation is pragmatism, not fun.

It’s hard to explore this topic without brushing up against self-pity. I find it reassuring that, when I share this disgruntlement with friends, they pop right back with their own frustrations. Then we can commiserate and offer the moral support that’s more essential every day.

After which we return to our to-do lists and trudge on, waiting for the day when we’re freed of the burdens that, we’ve been told, have been tailored specifically to work out individual karma while we’re still stuck in this 3D realm on Earth.


Few in the truther community publicly claim to know when things will shift in a large-scale, undeniable fashion. Most agree that scraping out the dregs of the negative regime so that New Earth can blossom is taking far longer than anticipated. Many opine that we’re watching a movie showcasing the bad actors’ ludicrously villainous activities and plans, all in an attempt to wake the sleepers up to what many believe is the truth about…well, basically, everything.

Seemingly, our job largely consists of waiting and keeping the faith. Honestly, this is a smidge depressing. If I have to wait till my blindly pro-science, anti-conspiracy theory friends admit they were fooled by their trusted sources, we’ll all be doddering into our personal sunsets before the big shift finally happens.

Don’t forget the solar flash that will transmute everything instantly, a tiny voice whispers. Yes, I whisper back, thank you, I’ll tuck that in the change pocket of my jeans alongside the rest of my hope.


It’s becoming seriously difficult to say when things change rather than if things change. I make an effort to keep saying when, because if sounds like a loss of faith, which can contribute to manifesting what we don’t want, rather than what we do.

Such a conundrum. Do I deny my doubts because they might energetically contribute to delaying, or, heaven forfend, preventing the changeover to New Earth? “Everyone“ says New Earth is a forgone destiny, the end of one inconceivably long cosmic cycle and the start of another. It’s written with the indelible ink of Truth on the everlasting parchment of Source.

Besides, I wouldn’t presume to have the power to derail the juggernaut of a preordained cosmic shift. Perhaps I have such power in my personal world, in which case the same manifestation rule still applies. I don’t want to manifest a miserable personal demesne by dwelling on gloom.


Does posting such pessimism contribute to holding us back? Does sharing a diminution of faith and corresponding growth of disappointment contribute to even more delay?

Or, conversely, could expressing this angst before it becomes irreversibly entrenched help dissipate it? Moreover, does it put the Universe on notice in a public way that this human’s soul is abundantly ready for the beneficial new reality, and frankly I don’t care how many sleepers don’t wake up first?

I hope it’s that last option—sending the energy of my impatience to the Universe is a positive thing. If we do nothing but smile and express belief that all is just peachy, perhaps the Universe thinks, Well, obviously they’re surviving with the way things are, no need to hurry and shower them with the gifts we keep promising.

It is said that Universe/Source/God always knows our truest hearts, just as we always know our truest heart. Which means that, whether I tangibly express it or not, my heart’s truth is known: to myself, to Source, and ultimately even to the dark forces that I believe continue to thwart the launching of Heaven on Earth.

Take note, dark forces: my patience is wearing thin, but truly, despite any appearance to the contrary, my faith is not. It is an immutable coin, struck from the gold of eternity and never wearing down.

The Immutable Coin | Catherine Viel The Immutable Coin | Catherine Viel Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 2/14/2023 11:42:00 AM Rating: 5

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