(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Dr. Schavi M. Ali, January 17, 2023, disclosurenews.it
In the book, The Wizard of Oz, which became a popular movie, the main character, Dorothy, said to her dog Toto after they were transported by a tornado to a strange land, “Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore.”
This can metaphorically apply to Earth/Gaia’s and our entire galaxy’s trip through the cosmos as we encounter new territory in this new “Now.”
Although an even greater cosmic event will probably occur soon that will be globally effective, the events that are already occurring are astounding, and not everyone understands the enormity of them.
This is why a major, more powerful event must happen to get the attention of all planetary inhabitants, and it could be on its way sooner than even the most avid researchers in “Cosmic Science” (Astro-Physicists, Astrologers, etc.) are currently aware of.
One cosmic situation that is possibly harboring this event is that of a sunspot labeled “AR3190.” It’s the largest seen in many years, and it holds a beta-gamma-delta energy for the eruption of “X-Class” solar flares, which are the most powerful.
Of course, “X-Class” flares have happened recently, and have also occurred over many years; however, this particular sunspot, as just stated, is the largest ever detected in recent history.

If it explodes, its coronal mass ejection power will be tremendous, and the geo-magnetic storms that it sets-off could uplevel the entire planet with quakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, storms ~ all of which are already happening in many places; but they may be mere introductions to a very detailed new “book” of planetary life.
Today’s report (Tuesday, 1/17/2023) is not different from the usual that have been reported.
There have been two “C-Class” solar flares earlier this morning (Eastern Standard Time) of “C.2” and “C.9.”
Neutron counts are yet again rated as “Elevated.”
There have been 114 earthquakes in a 24-hour period with a “5.2” magnitude occurring in the Philippines.
Solar winds are above normal (over 400 kms).
The magnetosphere is building with plasma pressure from both inside and outside of our solar system.
The vibrational frequency of our planet (known as its “Power,” its “Heartbeat,” and as the “Schumann Resonance”) is certainly affected by these cosmic events and always has been.
Its inner tectonic plates stir and shift, and the outer field (magnetosphere, atmosphere, stratosphere, ionosphere, etc.) receives potent pulsations.

It is as if Earth/Gaia is tumbling through the cosmos rather than having a smooth easy ride.
Science has reported long ago that our planet is wobbling as it turns on its particular axis, and as it revolves around our Sun.
It may now be more tugged and pulled-upon than anyone realizes or is reporting.
Even though we know that Source is at the helm of the “Cosmic Ship,” we are still traveling upon a raging sea of energy whose waves are huge and often difficult to navigate.
The three main ports (Great Central Sun, Photon Belt, Great Attractor) are drawing our entire solar system to their Light, and they offer us atomic and subatomic particle upgrades while also re-configuring our DNA and each cell’s records.
We did not “sign-up” for this journey as some people are claiming. Source has always known that at a point in the space/time continuum, we would need to be transformed based upon how experiences have unfolded relative to the usage of free will, and in certain cases, free will has resulted in big egos which think that they are going to tell Source how things will be, as if they have said to Source, “Okay, God, here’s how it’s going to go down.”
In other words, we do not decide where we want to come when our “souls” are created by the Ultimate Soul, nor do we decide who our parents will be or what events will occur in our lives.
When people proclaim these things, it is because it is a convenient excuse to use when situations are unpleasant. Thus, a person who believes in such choices will say: “Remember, you chose to be here at this time and to have this experience.”
NO! The choice is that free will has caused certain planetary experiences individually and collectively.

When a dictatorship in a particular nation, for instance, is mean and oppressive to its citizens, everyone suffers ~ both the good people as well as those with low morals who may exhibit criminal behavior.
The good people did not choose to suffer.
They have been the pawns in a horrible political collective consciousness game.
Why collective consciousness? Because if people simply accept mistreatment without trying to fight against it, then they become part of their own suffering.
The only choice is that they chose to live in fear, and to go along with oppressive rules and regulations. Some people can be so frightened that they cannot even pray.
Some develop the Stockholm Syndrome, and they identify with their oppressors. Then they are dangers to themselves and others.
The idea of human beings choosing their planets, their parents, their experiences (even having horrible diseases) began in the latter 19th Century by a certain group of persons who decided that free will also involved an individual’s choices at the very creation of his or her immortal soul.
Nobody tells Source, the Infinite Presence, the Divine Absolute, the All, where he or she will go and who their parents will be, and what experiences will be had.
No Divinely-revealed religion or spiritual path teaches this.
It is indeed true that anger can cause problems in the kidneys and liver and that fear can result in heart issues.
There are various emotional states that can cause certain physical ailments.
However, no person consciously chose the emotional issues that resulted in their physical challenges.

Age after age, eon after eon, we have been given Divine Principles delivered to us via Avatars, Prophets, and Sages ~ created by Source ~ who themselves over time, grew in knowledge and spiritual capabilities, eventually becoming ready to ply their missions.
One-on -one teachings were done; group teachings were done; holy books were written.
However, just as mankind has tampered with the sacred texts by adding bogus historical happenings and persons, so too has mankind decided on the notion of humanity’s choosing their individual planetary homes and experiences.
The only choice people make as they have a planetary experience is whether or not they will elevate in consciousness or remain low.
As Dorothy said, “Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore.” Egotistical notions must be thrown out, and respect for the Divine Principles of Source must be the guiding Light.
Otherwise, if mankind continues to think that they tell Source what is going to occur, eventually, Higher Beings will ask” “How’s that workin’ for ya?”
If mankind chooses their experiences, why not choose Peace, Health, Abundance, taking proper care of Nature, Love, Joy? Evidently, if mankind makes its own choices from its original creation as a soul, then mankind must enjoy suffering, and if so, collective humanity is psychologically ill to enjoy the choice of war, disease, famine, etc. ~ all manner of disharmony.
Anyone who enjoys suffering and seeing others suffer is ~ to use a strong word ~ insane!

Earth/Gaia is not meant to be an insane asylum.
Yet, if people do not work towards elevating in consciousness and praying, meditating and studying, and if they continue the notion of having chosen their experiences of oppression, war, famine, disease, who their parents will be, on what planet they will live, etc. because these are convenient excuses, then they will be allowed to use this as a part of their free will.
Thus, disconnection from Source Frequency can be done at any time. People can choose to go their own way.
They can choose atheism. They can choose destruction or re-birth.
They can choose Divine Principles or mankind’s folly.
They can either crunch-up in a ball of darkness or stand tall in the Light.
“Toto, We’re Not In Kansas Anymore!” | Dr. Schavi M. Ali
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/20/2023 12:06:00 AM