(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Nicky Hamid
Art of Allowing
Allow others to be as they choose to be.
Let’s be honest, this is exactly what you have chosen for you and you will be satisfied with nothing less.
You do not have to like what they are choosing but you must be able to allow that they also are Divine and on a Human journey of their own Soul choosing.
There is no way you will see things exactly as they do. Each of us is a unique facet of Source reflecting Creation and choosing experience that contribute to the complete Diamond LIGHT.
You do not have to keep butting in on their life and trying to change them and especially their perception of you.
So what, that they do not appreciate or want to even hear your view of reality. Let them be.
Knowing why only perpetuates the illusionary web that maintains separation, since how can you really know the nature and expression of another’s journey.
Mind your own business. ……….Ouch!!
And in allowing them to be, you free yourself to be who you are with no proviso for others having to change first. In your allowing you allow yourself to choose how you will behave and interact with anyone, and it will be based on the Truth of You and the expression you choose in any given moment, based on your relationship to your own Lovingness and willingness to connect in that moment.
There is no more subtle, and not so subtle, trying to manipulate others to see how you see.
So dear Hearts allow others to be.
You do not have to be near them, or want to be near them, in order to unconditionally Love them for who they are.
Shine On
I So Love You.
The Art of Allowing | Nicky Hamid
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/20/2023 12:07:00 AM