By Steve Beckow, January 28, 2023
(Golden Age of Gaia)
I confess I don’t know whose version of events to believe.
I don’t know whose baseline I should be following since all sources have their proponents and detractors.
It makes it seem impossible to discern what in heaven’s name is actually happening out there on a day-to-day basis in our world. And that dampens my desire to keep abreast of the baseline of events.
I seem to go in waves. I find myself closing the world’s door and looking into the spiritual room at this moment, saying, what’s happening in here?
And “here” is fertile ground. I find it a great synchronicity that the chaos of the outside world contrasts with the clarity of the inside.
Specifically, the edge I’ve been pushing in my own spiritual/growth work around coming from the context of a CEO has been providing a major push to my growth. After the Reval, I become a CEO of a very large organization.
I’ve said earlier that, all of my life, I’ve preferred the role of a lieutenant. I also played some presiding roles but I preferred playing support.
It’s no surprise that you’d find me extending that preference and liking seva or service as my role this lifetime and the servant role in particular. Just as I served Paul, I also serve Archangel Michael. It was an easy transition.
But all that will soon have to be set aside. Now I’ve signed up to play the role of leader in a financial/humanitarian/philanthropic endeavor, a CEO. And to do it with only pre-arranged signals between him and I – and 2300 pages of guidance.
Trying on the CEO hat is having a great many benefits. I’m facing events with a great deal more circumspection. Since I’m about to become responsible for a very large organization, I need to grow up real fast in areas where I haven’t until now.
That includes areas where I don’t know I don’t know I haven’t grown up till now, that only people’s feedback can reveal to me.
In leaping over the areas of residual childishness and cutting to the chase, this fantasy of being a CEO provides a reality check and the tools to get on top of whatever remains.
Another resource is a lifetime as a military commander. I draw on that energy where appropriate as well.
I notice that saying “being a CEO in the service of the Mother “is the same as saying “being an adult” in Eric Berne’s Transactional-Analysis terms, being “whole and complete” in the growth movement’s terms, being “balanced,” in the Company of Heaven’s terms.
Hmmmm…. This exploration is working for me. And the time to do the work is now.
The Time to do the Work is Now | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/28/2023 10:47:00 PM