Submitted to Voyages of Light on January 28, 2023
Greetings Humans,
I am Queen An-Ra, Grand Council of New Earth Council, and I am also the leading Council of the Planetary InterGalactic Coalition. This new alliance continues to grow, and it includes now over 1000 different civilizations, who desire to live in peace. It has been awhile since my last communication to your planet through Universal Channel, I have been preoccupied with many responsibilities.
Meantime, I have been observing Mother Gaia from distance and waiting for major events to occur. Right now, you are experiencing the final stage of war between Light and Darkness. Some of you claimed that Light already won, not yet, otherwise I would land on your planet with my crew.
The subject of the transformation from old Earth to New Earth ago has been over talked and plans have been fully exposed to the Darkness. You can’t win the battle, if your enemy knows your strategies. You remember of many sad and tragic events that occurred on your planet. J.F. Kennedy was assassinated in Sixties. He wanted to disclose the truth about many things, which were hidden from humanity. There were others, who disappeared without trace, as they stood up against the system, which was created by the Darkness.
The event of September 11, 2001 in USA was orchestrated with perfection by Dark Entities, and they delayed the crush of 3D Matrix. The reason of failure was brought by someone, who disclosed to Dark side the plans of Light. Right now, it’s a top secret and only a small group of trusted ones are aware, how exactly the transformation is going to occur to New Earth. Light Forces and ground crew are very careful not to let happen any mistake that would delay the removal of Evil from your planet.
Please, continue to stay strong and trust Divine that New Earth is coming to reality despite the false appearances. The sources, who claim to carry the accurate information, they don’t have any slight idea about the real plans. Light is taking the extreme precautions regarding the transition without any more failures. Only a small group of trusted individuals knows about the upcoming events. Humanity suffered enough and can’t wait any longer for liberation. Your freedom is coming. Everyone, who committed the crimes against the interests of civilization, can’t buyout their way out and are going to vanish without any trace. Light is going to win.
Divine continuously is sending high frequencies to dissolve the layers of Darkness, which were surrounding Mother Earth for a millions of years. Every single event, you see now on the planet, needs to happen in order to bring real freedom. Please, don’t focus on negativity and stay in Light and Love.
I just want to add for the ones, who are still looking for Cleopatra’s body, you are not going to found it. Her body was removed from this reality. Thank you Universal Channel. I am sending my courage and strength to everyone, who is ready to receive it.
Stay only in the Now
Queen An-Ra
Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Queen An-Ra via Erena Velazquez | January 28, 2023
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
1/28/2023 10:50:00 PM