The Council of Angels via Goldenlight on “the Great Solar Flash” (2019) | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, December 31, 2022

(Golden Age of Gaia)

Rather remarkably, in 2019 Goldenlight’s sources described what sounds very much like the expected Ring of Fire or Wave of Love. They call it “the Great Solar Flash.”

When we think of the future of the next while, we often fail to factor in the Ring of Fire. It appears humanity will slide a little ways down yet but we need to remember the possible role of the Ring of Fire to bring us back on our feet quickly.

Planet Earth Poised to Enter a New Golden Age of Peace and Prosperity ~ The Council of Angels via Goldenlight – Part 2 of 2


September 21, 2019 by The Golden Light Channel

© The Golden Light Channel,, 2019. Please include this copyright and credit, original title, and a link to the source message when reposting this message.

Going forward in “time”, the beings on your planet who are interested in service to others, unconditional love, compassion, caring, unity consciousness etc….these will be your future leaders… these will be the ones who will assist all the others on your planet to continue to raise their frequency.

This is all going to culminate in a massive “solar flare” event which will be co-created by your collective consciousness and the Sun, which is also a living being…this has been called the “Great Solar Flash” by some… this is an event which you can also bring into your “Now” simply by tuning into it now. Remember everything is happening simultaneously in the now… that means it is happening now… so if you can wrap your mind around that concept, just think about how you can bring that into being.

This “Great Solar Flash” co-creation is going to assist in the continued conscious evolution of your planet, which is also being participated in by the beings of your planet (including outer and inner earth), and Mother Earth GAIA. Many of you were calling this, or have called this, the “New Earth.”

The New Earth is a pattern of consciousness which is being somewhat overlaid over your current dimensional reality. These are all energy constructs and patterns which we are speaking of as well as frequencies of consciousness… so you see that when all the beings on your planet enter into this frequency of consciousness of the upper fourth and fifth dimensions, which is happening naturally, that you will begin then to bring this reality into being…you see, you are all Mini Creators endowed with the power of Source Creator.

Therefore the knowingness that you are creating a higher consciousness society will bring it into being. All it takes is your consciousness tuning into it, and then bringing it into awareness. This is also the Time that has been prophesied by us, and by many others, as the time of the Great Awakening… the time of the New Golden Age on New Earth… and the time of the Thousand Years of Peace. This is the time you are all creating and bringing into being, and bringing into your reality now.

Earth will then become an Upper Fourth / Lower Fifth dimensional reality, and will also continue to raise its frequency into higher densities of reality… or higher layers, or frequencies, of consciousness as you continue to evolve spiritually.

So as you can see, this Great Solar Flash is something that you are pulling towards you and into your reality… you are creating it into your reality with your thoughts, just as you are creating everything else in your dimensional reality… into your consciousness frequency. You are all connected, you are all capable of the higher dimensional abilities, and you have these abilities encoded into your DNA. This Great Awakening that is occurring now is part of the awakening of these abilities.

The creation of this Great Solar Flash, which is like a large and powerful ray of sunshine and golden light, that will bathe every living being on your planet in even higher frequency energy than you are experiencing now, will be a large leap forward in your evolution as a species and a planet. If you are reading this message you will be a part of this you can pause for a moment now if you wish and tune into this epic event.

The high frequency energy, surrounding and bathing your planet now, is what is awakening your higher dimensional abilities. Some of you are already aware of these abilities increasing… for example the transcriber of this message had her second spiritual awakening in 2012, when her abilities of telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience and claircognizance became much stronger.

These will also come into being for all of you now who wish to be a part of this higher frequency consciousness reality. Becoming aware that you have these abilities which have lain dormant for a very, very long time will then assist you in awakening them so that you can use them.

The humans on your planet, and there are many sizes, shapes, and colors, are composed of a combination of different DNA‘s from different star systems such as the Pleiades, Andromeda, Sirius, Lyra, etc. During the many, many “Now” moments on your planet (which in your language is known as during the last many thousands of years), many beings from all over the galaxy, universe, and multiverse took part in an experiment known as “Earth.”

This experiment consisted of the mixture of many different benevolent star beings, with the at-the-time cave-dwelling Cro-Magnon human. This is how you got all of the different races upon Earth. These star systems also brought the DNA from different plants and animals to the surface and interior of your planet… yes the interior of your planet is an entire ecosystem with higher dimensional beings living inside of it. Only about 1% of your population knows about this.

Many of the beings who live inside of the earth lived on the surface at one point. Some of these were refugees from Lemuria and Atlantis during the great flood. Others came from other star systems. There is a mixture of different races on the inside of the earth just as there are on the outside of the earth…the only difference being that they exist in a higher frequency consciousness inside of the earth.

Eventually as the beings upon the earth continue to raise their frequency, and are affected by this great solar flash — which is a unity consciousness creation assisting you and your spiritual evolution — you will eventually be in harmony with the higher frequency consciousness of the inner earth beings, which will allow you all to unite in peace, harmony, and brotherly and sisterly love.

This is the true state of your spirit, which is from God or as we call it Source Creator. Everything everywhere is upgrading up a level or two, so this is just a part of the natural higher frequency evolution of God’s creations, who are endowed with the same creationary powers as their Source Creator (God).

We have said many times that ascension is a harmonizing with the higher dimensional frequencies … this is still true and one of the reasons this evolution into the higher dimensions is happening, and one of the things that is causing it to happen is the fact that there is extremely high dimensional energy around your planet right now. This can partially be measured by what is known as the Schumann Resonance, which is the measurement of the frequency around your planet. This symbolizes the higher dimensional energy that you are surrounded by now in your reality.

(Some info here on Schumann Resonance:, and,

So you can see that your ascension is a natural evolution in consciousness, and that you as a whole in conjunction with your Sun will be co-creating an even higher dimensional consciousness society with your thought patterns, and wishes to make it so. In the higher dimensions, things are manifested instantly… one simply has to think of something and, depending on the strength of that thought, it manifests instantly. You are all going to be learning this and experimenting with this in what is known as your “future”… thus it will be necessary to be careful and very conscientious about what one thinks of, so as to create only that which one desires.

As we mentioned previously, in embracing tools such as compassion, unconditional love, and service to others, you will then be in harmony with the concept of Unity Consciousness, which is the actuality and realization of the fact that everything is Source Creator expressing itself…including you, all humans, all animals, all plants, all planets, universes, etc.

The outer civilization on your planet, as it continues to raise its frequency and enter into the upper fourth/lower fifth dimensional consciousness, will then be in harmony with the higher dimensional frequency around it. This energy is with you all now. Currently it is a very strong, evolutionary, high frequency, energy. It can cause chaos as it burns away the dross and that which is no longer needed. This is what is causing some of the upheaval on your planet, this along with many people waking up.

Everything will begin to shift to how you can heal your planet, and heal and help others. The more you can participate in this energy individually and collectively, the more quickly you will raise the frequency of your civilization. Each person raising their own frequency, tuning into their higher self, and tuning into this higher dimensional energy, will then be able to contribute more to the whole, to the Greater Good.

There will be many humanitarian projects happening all over your planet to cure the ills, to heal the world, to heal your planet, to heal others, and to assist everyone to live in a state of joy, enlightenment, prosperity, abundance, and all good things which are of the Source Creator. This is why many of the light workers and starseeds have come to the planet during this time. This is the time before your entrance into to the New Golden Age on Earth. This New Golden Age will begin in earnest as soon as you collectively manifest this crescendo of high frequency consciousness as a group.

The thousand years of peace foretold by many will be preceded by the building up of your group high frequency consciousness… which will culminate in this great solar flash, which is a co-creation with your Sun and Source creator, as well as many of the Ascended Masters assisting your planet at this time, including Mother Mary, St. Germaine, Sananda (known to you as Jesus), the Archangels, such as we The Council of Angels, and many other Ascended Masters and highly evolved beings who are lending their benevolent energy to your planet.

This includes many star nations which exist in the higher dimensions, but which can be around your planet at any time. Many are around your planet right now, but most cannot see them due to the dimensional frequency differences. They can be seen in some places where the veil is thin such as on the ECETI Ranch in the United States of America, and many other places all over the globe now where the veil is thin.

As people raise their consciousness many can see these higher dimensional crafts which are simply manifestations of higher frequency energy thoughts. Portals to the higher dimensions are opening up all around your planet… many are known as gatekeepers and many are known as frequency holders.

In closing, we want to thank you for your participation in this co-creation of the New Earth, the Great Solar Flash, The Golden Age, and the Thousand Years of Peace. Remember always that you are collectively co-creating this and that you are, yourselves, creators. The narrative that some of you were taught growing up, that you are powerless and helpless, is not aligned with The Truth of Who You Really Are.

Remember always that you are a willing participant in this Grand Experiment of the Ascension of the Earth and you are an integral and crucially placed part of the whole. Everything that you think, do, and say matters… every thought that you think is creating your world as you want it to be.

Embrace this truth and the truth that we have written of here tonight and you will create this beautiful world. You are indeed creating it Now. This is what you came here to do. We the Council of Angels, the Ascended Masters, the Inner Earth beings in the higher dimensional realms, as well as all of the benevolent Star Nations and Source Creator, are behind you in this beautiful group co-creation.

Sending you soft love and light,

We are,

The Council of Angels including
Archangel Michael,
Archangel Gabriel,
Archangel Raphael,
Archangel Chamuel,
and Archangel Zadkiel.

© The Golden Light Channel,, 2019. Please include this copyright and credit, original title, and a link to the source message when reposting this message.
The Council of Angels via Goldenlight on “the Great Solar Flash” (2019) | Steve Beckow The Council of Angels via Goldenlight on “the Great Solar Flash” (2019) | Steve Beckow Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 12/31/2022 09:40:00 PM Rating: 5

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