By Catherine Viel, December 31, 2022
(Golden Age of Gaia)
December 30, 2022
… another frame of space
Where we can ponder, celebrate, and reshape
Not only what we are, where we are from,
But what…we may become.
~Josephine Miles, Center

I really want to believe that affirmations work. That after a reasonable number of repetitions, the resistance of the subconscious mind to accepting positivity diminishes, and the golden light of health and well-being can shine down on me.
The problem is that what I consider a “reasonable number” of repetitions falls far short of what it takes to get through the guardians of the subconscious mind so that I accept and embody the affirmation. In a recent reading, Dr. Peebles noted,
“Affirmations are quite good…The important thing to remember is that the reason affirmations work is not because affirmations work. It is because repetition works. [They typically don’t work if you only] do them 10 times, but they really work when you’ve done them 10,000 times…When you’re speaking words out loud…about what you want in your life, that is powerful. But what really supercharges it is when you’re doing it every day for a year.”
I have to wait a year? Next, please. How about hypnosis, which, when done properly, bypasses the guardian altogether and inserts suggestions directly into the subconscious mind? This is much more appealing, particularly since I’ve had some success with the technique previously.
But that was years ago, and the niggle of doubt continues undulating under the surface like Nessie under Loch Ness. If hypnosis really worked, nobody would smoke and everybody would be healthy and fit and have their ideal life.

People who have managed to “cure“ themselves of physical or psychological ailments, and sometimes gone on to found a cult thereupon, have accomplished the nearly impossible: overriding the negative programming imposed on humanity through genetic and other manipulation.
In the Louise Hay book, You Can Heal Your Life, she recommends ignoring negative thoughts that pop up while doing workbook exercises. She notes that self-criticism is just mind chatter. “See how you have trained your mind to berate you and be resistant to change? Ignore those thoughts and get on with the important work at hand!“
I wonder if she realized she was likely describing the Archon implant’s effect on the human psyche, not weak-willed humanity unable to get its act together. We have not “trained ourselves,” but something certainly has. (1)

Louise Hay cured herself of cancer using her method. She founded a publishing house and went on to enormous success, and testimonials abound to the usefulness of her techniques.
And yet…and yet. The vast majority of such methods completely ignore the possibility that the deck has been so thoroughly stacked against us, we’d have better luck playing the lottery. The success rate of some self-help techniques (such as the 12-Step program in curing alcoholism) seems more of a testament to humans’ unwillingness to passively succumb to negative programming, and the intervention of Spirit when petitioned for help, than a bulletproof self-help technique.

It seems the best I can manage right now is the disgruntled acknowledgment that self-help and spiritual growth efforts have more than my own resistance opposing them. Saying affirmations every single day for a year makes me blanch, but recording a self-hypnosis script starts a little flame of hope in a corner of my heart.
Still, since it seems we’re currently rising into, but not completely within, the higher vibrations where negative influences vanish, there seems little point in putting massive effort into much of anything. A big part of me wants to twiddle my thumbs and wait for the miracles.
I have not yet uncovered a timeline set in stone. People prognosticate, but predictions rarely, if ever, transpire at the given time. Med beds are coming next week! Well, maybe in 2022. Well, maybe 2023…
Idly standing by in hopes that fate will magically provide abundant health and well-being holds little allure. Although I’m cynical about self-improvement efforts—because of limited previous success, as well as negative entities’ manipulation of humanity over the millennia—I can’t quite give up.
Quixotic it may be, but I’m ready to don my tarnished armor and tilt at one more glittering windmill. Perhaps this time I can catch hold of its blade and allow it to lift me up, up, and launch from there into unimagined realms of wonder and joy.

Dr. Peebles channeled by Natalie Gianelli, nataliegianelli.com
(1) Much of people‘s “useless, boring and irritating mind chatter stems from the programming of the primary implant in your brain described in Chapter 2…It keeps you stuck in a subtle (or not so subtle) state of mental unrest. Although, as described earlier, this implant is slowly becoming less and less powerful within us as we rise in vibration, it is still quite active in most people and needs to be seen for what it is and what it creates within us.” ~ Vidya Frazier, Living Free in 5D: Embodying your Multidimensional Self, p. 191
Realms of Wonder and Joy | Catherine Viel
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/31/2022 09:41:00 PM