(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Digger Barr
Put into motion, we are one step closer to where we are going.
The dust cover was covered in dust.
I drew my finger across it.
Thick dust is either the indicator of long time elapsed or seriously poor housekeeping.
In this case it was both.
I wasn’t particularly intending to pull this CD from the shelf but there it was in my hands.
From the late 70’s it wasn’t my college copy of HAIR. That was a cassette.
I must have purchased this more advanced form of technological recording since then.
I am glad I did because I no longer have a cassette player. I put in the CD and waited for nostalgia.
The classic rendition of The Age of Aquarius filled the room.
This song brought a generation through powerful transitional times, change and unrest and apparently an uptick in divisiveness and coercion.
Still, it was ahead of its time.
Almost 50 years ago we sang at the top of our lungs about Harmony and Understanding.
That time has arrived.
The Age of Aquarius is on our doorstep.
We have opened the door.
Sitting on the porch just outside the door is this large putrid beast waiting for the opportunity to get in.
We cracked the door and its beastly claws came through pushing for more and more access.
This actually came to me in a dream last night.
I tried to shut the door again and realized it was too late.
I could not close the door with that monstrous arm in the way.
I had to allow the door to remain open but I could still block the door so it didn’t open enough for the whole body to come through.
I pushed the dining room table against the door. The beast was having a hard time.
But I could tell it was only a matter of moments before it pushed past the obstacles.
I quickly went around the house and locked all of the doors.
It didn’t make sense to do that.
Why if it already had access?
The dream continued and now it’s starting to make sense to me.
In my dream, I went about locking all the doors as the beast growled, pushed and shoved into my house.
It was fully in and was coming for me.
I ducked out the back door then pulling the door shut, locked it.
Now I was outside and the beast was locked in.
I got in my truck and drove away. The whole thing went pretty smooth.
As I drove away I wondered what I was going to do.
I am now free to move about the country.
I felt uplifted and good about out maneuvering the beast.
I started to sing. This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, the age of Aquarius…
When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars.
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
Aquarius! Aquarius !
Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
Aquarius ! Aquarius !
Let the sun shine Let the sun shine in.
Sung by the 5th Dimensions
Can’t make this up.
Happy Solstice Everyone !
Age of Aquarius | Digger Barr
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/15/2022 03:02:00 AM