We're Getting Across the Finish Line Together | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, November 10, 2022

(Golden Age of Gaia)

Somewhere along this Ascension journey, I predict we’ll encounter the dilemma of choosing whether, from this moment on, we want to be right or we want to be happy.

The desire to be right is one of the chief self-commands we have in the Third (seemingly less so in the Fourth) Dimension. Being wrong, as John Enright once said, is like death to the ego.

This way of life is like a horse trying to gallup while it’s tethered to a post. It ain’t going nowhere.

The desire to be right and avoid being wrong is a characteristic of the intellectual level of life in 3/4D.

The intellectual level is necessary for existence in an industrialized nation. But it isn’t necessary on the higher levels, where love directs all (period).

If you know that love, you’d know why I say that love directs all on the higher levels. (1) If you don’t know that love, I can only offer you metaphors. There is no 3D language I know of that can capture the experience of that love – and I’ve tried to find it.

Living a life uninformed by that love makes us seem like dullards compared to people from higher dimensions.

You’ve heard the Company of Heaven say that, when one of them comes among us, we treat them like gods. Quetzlcoatl, a brief visit from Sanat Kumara, was treated as a godlike being. Sanat did not require it.

Nevertheless, this gives an idea of the transformation Ascension will bring about.

The first thing we need to do to promote that outcome, in my humble opinion, is to add onto the 3/4D intellectual experience at least excursions into the higher 3/4D experiential subplanes and – hopefully, as the energies rise – realizational excursions or permanent entry into the 5th.

Do I know this to be true? I do not. Some time spent in several of the higher dimensions, readings, and the channeled messages of the Company of Heaven are what I go on. (2) Just a beachhead of understanding. Not enough to erect an edifice on.

But I love to speculate. May I speculate further?

My further hunch is that hanging out in the experiential domain – the domain of our intuition, feelings, senses, and imagination – is like waiting at the bus stop for the bus. You’re where you need to be. You got there. You have change in your pocket and you’re ready to board the bus of realization when it comes.

The third level – the realized level – only means and refers to life lived at a higher level and glimpsed in a moment of bliss or inspiration. We call it a realization. For those on those higher levels, what we see in that glimpse is just a feature of their lives. No big deal.

I spend most of my waking hours in the experiential domain. It doesn’t mean I throw away my intellectual skills. It just means I no longer allow them to make the really important decisions, uninformed by the heart. But rather than abandon them, I add on to them. (3)

I know my heart is a portal of communication between me and my archangel and the Mother. I consult my heart -> yes or no? And, being open to guidance, I weigh how I feel. I then follow the prompting.

I know what lives in the heart (love and the divine qualities) and, knowing that, I can no longer settle for the merely intellectual.

I no longer care who’s right and who’s wrong. Let’s just get the job done.

We have a saying at the blog: We’re getting across the finish line together. That’s the job.

One of my service roles is what’s called a “pillar,” here to the last, (4) so I’m one of those whose responsibility it is to get that job done. We’re getting across the finish line together.


(1) See Love Like We Never Imagined It to Be at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Love-Like-We-Never-Imagined-It-to-Be-R13.pdf

(2) On my journey, see An Ascension Ethnography at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/An-Ascension-Ethnography-5.pdf

(3) See “Not Either/Or, But Add on, Add on,” February 22, 2022, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2022/02/22/not-either-or-but-add-on-add-on/

(4) Archangel Michael: I remind you that you are a pillar, that you [are] not [to] venture too far ahead of where people are, both individually in terms of your smaller circle but also in terms of the collective. …

A very large quotient, shall we say, of you is living … in the higher-dimensional realm. Then there is a part of you that is in the morass of the chaos and the lower-dimensional realm because that’s where the work is. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 18, 2020.) [Hereafter AAM.]

AAM: There is much to be said for Everyman, and that is part of the role you play. Yes, you are a pillar. You are an anchor. You’re [a monitor], but you’re also playing the role of Everyman – with curiosity, with exploration, with insight. So our desire is not to separate you from the collective. (AAM, Nov. 11, 2015.)
We're Getting Across the Finish Line Together | Steve Beckow We're Getting Across the Finish Line Together | Steve Beckow Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 11/11/2022 03:55:00 AM Rating: 5

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