(Golden Age of Gaia)
Thoughts occur spontaneously, it is futile to try to stop them.
But if you watch them casually, easily, you will begin to notice a gap.
In that gap there is nothing but pure awareness, peace, stillness, You without thought.
The more you let go of attachment to your stories the more you will be in the creative spontaneous no-thing place that you are, your I AM Presence.
The black womb of Source.
Your thoughts are mostly habit based caught as frozen “mind moments” based on past stories and the projected thought forms of others.
They occur, not in your brain, but in a more subtle level of your mind , captured and flavored by your subconscious leanings, residing in the thought body (auric field).
In “the pictured space between” is where Mind emerges from the stillness within, in the same way that particles appear from ‘no-thing’ in the Zero Point Field of infinite Potential.
Here is the Source of Thought, that through the Heart is received in the brain body. It is where thoughts have their greatest, most pure energy consciousness.
It is from here you can direct and manifest abundance, health, relationships, travel, whatever you choose to create, in the twinkling of an eye. And it is here that the magic and miracles of creation are yours.
The Brain then transduces these Knowings into ‘felt reception”. It is only when you “capture” the thought that it becomes crystalized in your memory.
And there is this Eye of God within your Heart. The point of view of Source of You. Where stillness IS and Love Abides.
Just imagine, the power of Heart powering your thought creations through a freed brain, rather than the projected worn out thought loops gathered through the ethers from all and sundry.
I So Love You.
PS: It is in the times that you are now experiencing, when you feel there is no direction to your life that you can now envision the world and the reality you desire to to have.
Beginning to create a new holographic reality , and manifest experience.
Dream Big my Friends.
The Mind | Nicky Hamid
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/11/2022 03:53:00 AM