(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Digger Barr
I have been given another upgrade. This one I discovered while tackling Super Sudoku.
Super sudoku is the expanded version of Sudoku in that there are 16 squares per box and 16 boxes altogether as opposed to the regular 9 and 9.
Ever since I stumbled upon this game in the Epoch times, I have been trying to convince myself I am smart enough to do this.
I realized immediately it was going to take more than smarts, it was going to take a whole lot of patience.
My current rate of solving the whole grid is about 2 weeks.
I don’t pick it up every night, but it has become a nice decompression transition activity.
Averaging an hour at a time 5x a week gives us 10 hrs or 600 minutes.
16×16 grid squares divided into 600 minutes averages one square every two minutes.
I think that is on the optimistic side because I can stare at the pages for 10 minutes and get nowhere.
Once the grid starts to get filled out it picks up momentum. If there are no mistakes. Right?
It’s a challenge and I am going to say this to make myself feel better, it’s hard!
I am currently in the beginning stage of a new puzzle.
I sat down last night and began the process. Right away I found a square to fill in.
That was very satisfying.
Then I found another and thought, oh wow, stepping away and coming back brings more clarity.
I continued working the grids and quickly realized I was able to hold (5) 16 square boxes in awareness while searching the whole puzzle.
If you haven’t played this game I will tell you this is the equivalent to working 80 numbers at once.
This has never happened to me before.
The numbers almost levitated off the page and the one I was searching for seemed to become more distinctive while the others faded out of focus.
I blinked and they went back to being the same. What I am describing here was a visual experience.
I refocused my intent and again they picked up a 3D positioning.
Some squares appear bolder than others.
The empty spaces stood out as known items became more apparent allowing me to see what could be.
Perhaps because of this, I found a mistake I had made on a previous evening.
Correcting mistakes especially at this early part of the puzzle is almost impossible.
It’s much easier to start a new puzzle.
So I took a few minutes to backtrack and see if I could make an adjustment.
I think I found it.
This blows me away.
‘What is happening?’ I thought to myself.
This is crazy how this game is turning out tonight.
I managed to fill in about 10 squares before setting it aside.
It was a momentous evening! LOL
I want to say something about being smart.
I do not consider myself as being particularly smart nor do I consider myself as lacking in intelligence.
I don’t look at other people that way either.
I like to consider that we are all a genius in something somewhere somehow. We are given certain gifts to work with and an opportunity to polish those particular attributes over time.
The younger you are the fresher the gifts.* Given time everyone will be wise.
I do believe that a person needs to apply themselves in order to polish these gifts and that is where many fall short.
I will have a lot of compassion for someone who doesn’t grasp the concept of something but I have limited patience when they refuse to try.
Where you place your intention is where you will excel.
Recently I was given some guidance to review Toltec shamanism for better clarity on holding intention.
This guidance was in response to my question on how to master cyclical thought patterns that cloud the mind.
I turned to Carlos Castaneda. Embedded in these tales of Don Juan are teachings about mental awareness as spiritual practice.
These practices are valuable tools for the aspirant in all of us.
A quick review verified the guidance provided.
In order to recognize thought patterns one needs to observe their thoughts.
I look within to see what my reaction is to each thought. How does it feel?
I become the observer of the observer.
If that feels like the right idea I can act on it. But if it doesn’t feel right I can set it aside or adjust it.
Recurrent thoughts are either unfocused intention or it’s something that really wants attention.
Sending away clutter gives way to clarity. Items that are demanding attention stand out.
I noticed that if I send away a thought that wants my attention I don’t feel right . I get jittery and anxious.
But If I allow that thought to flow, I will feel more centered and confident this is the right idea.
The basic premise is that whatever intention you hold, that will guide the thought.
If you don’t focus the thought, randomness will prevail and your monkey mind will control the day.
This requires practice or application. It is a discipline that takes effort.
What if I am tired of thinking already?
Yes, we are still in physical form. We get tired. We get distracted. We judge ourselves and often others.
We spiral within the mind maze and hit disappointments and discouraging dead ends while trying to find our way.
Like the puzzle, our lives are many squares in play all at the same time.
We are complex and have a lot of moving parts.
We may or may not be able to juggle all of those parts at once or perhaps better some days than others.
Then there are the missteps and we have to backtrack to try to fix things.
This makes life so much harder.
This brings us around to having patience is as valuable as being smart about things.
Anyone can learn something but it is how we apply ourselves to that endeavor that really counts.
If I didn’t pick up that puzzle again and again, it would never get solved.
And if I hadn’t set the intention to pick it up again I may not have discovered my new abilities.
I don’t think this upgrade is an IQ thing.
I think it’s a focus and clarity refinement.
Maybe because this is where I have been applying myself lately.
It could be that that will be the same for everyone.
We are upgrading exponentially during this fantastic surge of energies and the ascension process.
It’s a wonderful opportunity but I do believe you need to apply yourself.
Focus and set intentions.
Ask and you will receive.
There is no guarantee my recent upgraded ability will stick around.
I have been given an introspection on ‘what could be’ before.
Some attributes will come online briefly, then fade from my grasp.
I put it down as a form of enlightenment.
Trying not to get too giddy about the wonders that await us but, wow!.
Having a glimpse of ‘what could be’ gives me so much patience and confidence that IT will be.
It feels right.
This I can say without doubt.
I know that we are in the midst of the most amazing unfoldment of ourselves.
Welcome my friends to the Golden Age of Gaia.
So much LOVE
Digger 2022
Mind Games | Digger Barr
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/13/2022 07:44:00 PM