NOVEMBER 13, 2022
Dear readers, we come with a message of hope, love, information, and support for you who are so courageously holding Light in these times of change and energetic density. Never doubt that all is proceeding according to plan because a Divine plan can never be interfered with, changed, or stopped through human thinking or the strategies. One with God is always a majority.
World consciousness is now more open to change which in turn is allowing much of the old belief system to collapse of its own nothingness. Many are ready to or have already moved into a state of consciousness that allows them to see a bigger picture whereas before they only saw what they were told they were seeing.
The universal hypnotism of earth’s duality/separation consciousness has governed for so long that a sense of separation from God and all life continues to be the reality for most. However, collective consciousness is now expanding through the presence of increasingly more Light now flowing from the many highly evolved states of consciousness now present and continuing to incarnate on earth.
Try not to become discouraged by personal and global appearances but keep in mind that you are where are, doing what you chose to do, and being guided under the watchful eye of your Higher Self. Remember that an important part of why you chose to be on earth during these times was because you knew they would hold many opportunities to fully and finally clear old energy remaining from previous lifetimes.
The christian bible speaks of man’s dominion, but the true meaning of dominion has been misinterpreted as being the right to do whatever one pleases to others, animals, nature, and anyone considered to be “less than”. Dominion in it’s real sense means dominion over self and not others, because there are no others. Everything is Divine Consciousness expressing in and as infinite form and variety. Everything material is in fact is a spiritual Idea in Divine Consciousness appearing as material in the density of third dimensional energy.
Dominion is dominion over self. What do I believe and hold as truth about myself and others? Have I surrendered my God given dominion to some person or concepts about success, work, money, health, love, relationships, etc.? Honestly ask yourselves; “What or who do I now or continue to give my dominion to?”
The misinterpretation of dominion has led to the killing, maiming, destruction, and selfish actions of every sort based in the false ego based idea that human beings are the highest of creation, better than all others, and can therefore do whatever they want to whatever they believe to be “less than”– because the “bible says so”.
God is the underlying essence of everything otherwise it could not exist because you cannot make something out of nothing. Because three dimensional energy is so dense, human eyes are only able align with and see the material– concepts being interpreted through personal and collective minds conditioned and hypnotized by beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers. All see the same, because there is only one, leaving the un-awakened majority to believe that only the material is reality.
When a tree is cut down its material form is removed but it’s essence as the Divine idea of tree remains. This is not to say that the tree is happy about being removed when it chose to experience life on earth. Trees communicate, have intelligence, and do not simply consist of their material expression. Third dimensional beliefs about the body often result in futile attempts to keep a person alive and functioning after their Divine essence has left.
A soul does not immediately enter the physical concept of body in pregnancy but often comes and goes before deciding if the choice is right for them. Often the soul does not enter permanently until birth. A fetus is not a human being until the soul or Divine essence enters and stays. Up to that point it is a material concept of a human. This is not to say decisions regarding these issues should be taken lightly or without honest introspection regarding intent and purpose.
I have dominion over my body which in reality is a perfect spiritual body of Light but which in the lower resonating denser frequencies of the third dimension appears material. I have dominion over my finances because I am Self sustained and Self maintained. I have dominion over the weather because God knows nothing about and has never formed ITself as discord and destruction. However, three dimensional consciousness knows a great deal about all of these things.
I have dominion over every aspect of my life, but this realization must become a realized state of consciousness before it can manifest because consciousness the creative substance of all that is.
Practice dominion in every situation because the intellectual knowledge of a truth is the first step toward it becoming one’s state of consciousness. With every temptation to see yourself as sick, lacking, subservient, or “less than” say to yourself; ” I am no longer accepting these beliefs because I now know that I am Divine Consciousness individualized and the things I previously believed about myself were nothing more than well established third dimensional concepts with nothing more than belief to maintain and sustain them.”
Never in any circumstance or situation believe that you are nothing more than temporary physicality for if you were for even one second actually separated from God you simply would not exist.
I am Divine Consciousness individualized which automatically constitutes oneness with all other forms of Divine Consciousnesses as well as with every Divine Idea in and quality of Divine Consciousness.
We are the Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele at Onenessofall.com
Arcturian Group Message via Marilyn Raffaele | November 13, 2022
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/13/2022 07:42:00 PM