(Golden Age of Gaia)
by Digger Barr
This is my first writing on my new laptop. I lost my ability to connect on social media and couldn’t open any links to stories.
I thought it was my old laptop since I dropped it and perhaps it lost its ability to do something important.
As it turns out, my internet modem is the problem. It is an old relic and needs to be replaced.
And guess what?
I am still just fine.
In fact it has been wonderful.
No need to panic that 10 days of darkness were ripping a hole in reality.
Just a clunker still sitting on my console.
With the opportunity to step back a minute, I actually gained a bit more clarity.
The practice of letting go opens the receptors to a different vibration.
With it has come a relaxed state of an actual knowing.
Instead of a tight fist clenched, I opened the hand.
The minutiae of detailed information, action and reactions, he said, she said, this post and that post, it all faded away like a V formation heading south.
I tuned into the clear crisp air and the elements of nature that are also going through this shift.
It is the change of seasons and nature handles it all in stride.
I don’t see the trees depending on the latest intel drop or reposting another meme so other trees can be included.
The bees are lively and not stopping because some subpoenas are being issued.
All of nature is doing what it is designed to do.
Taking care of itself and staying in harmony with the vibration of the planet.
Remember, this is an information war but it is a Spiritual Awakening.
Open the mind and let go of your ideas (programming)
Open the heart and let go of you fears (core issues)
allow the flow to happen
awaken to soul knowing
Taking this practice to another level, I looked at how to use this to help release angst in other areas of my life.
The biggest issue I have and I know others do too, is the idea that so many people have taken the shot, shots and even more shots.
An acquaintance told me he was going in for his 56th shot. He was trying to be facetious but maybe he really has gotten that many over the years.
He was just getting over being sick and so he wanted to make sure he was going to stay healthy. He was grasping with both fists.
I don’t know. So many people close to me have this idea.
I don’t know anything about that logic. Just that it exists and there is no debate or advice that will change that idea.
I have decided that fear mongering would be detrimental to them and to myself.
so I relax my tight fist and open my hand.
I release any fear and send them love.
When I did this a miraculous thing happened.
My love expanded and intensified.
I felt lifted and moved into another level of understanding. My love grew into a deeper, richer level of care, compassion and forgiveness.
I felt the whole world hug and hold each other close. The world became smaller and the love more penetrating.
From some unnamed place the love flowed through me and emanated outward like the sun shines its rays.
Once again I was moved to tears and this powerful experience left me in awe.
If you truly love someone, let them go.
This is the most powerful practice I have ever experienced.
I had to make that choice years ago and here it is again at my feet.
When your family makes personal choices so far from your own understanding, what else is there?
You can scream, holler and make a scene. That serves no one.
You can try to inform them, teach or even lecture. This only shuts them down and leads to separation.
Well maybe in time it will come back up again and then a conversation can happen.
But more than likely all that will be remembered is how annoying it all was.
In this battle there are no winners.
I have heard so many stories about loved ones turning their backs on truthers. they don’t even talk anymore.
Others may make small talk but the deeper level conversation is non-existent.
Pity. There is so much to talk about.
Of all the times to be on planet and not be talking about what’s happening is mind boggling.
For those of us that have found like minded souls the conversations are riveting.
I can’t get enough of the fascinating material that is coming out.
Ley lines, Pillars and Dragons, Oh My!
And then there is taking the time to be with oneself.
In this, the greatest conversation of all takes place.
That is with your higher self.
This is where it all comes together.
Quiet and still the mind
Release and become the open vessel
Feel the vibration
Breathe in nature
You are Divine my friends
You really don’t need a meme to tell you that.
In Awe, In Love
Digger 2022
De-meming of it all | Digger Barr
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/18/2022 09:44:00 PM