By Steve Beckow, October 18, 2022
(Golden Age of Gaia)
In 2019, Archangel Michael told us that the darkness had to be revealed for it to be healed.
In the past, we’ve left off too soon and the darkness has simply re-entrenched itself. (1)
We’re now in the process by which the darkness outside and inside ourselves is being revealed, through being forced up by the intensifying love energies.
This passage deserves to be looked at again from that perspective. From a reading with Earth Bound Star Seed (EBSS) through Linda Dillon.
“Archangel Michael: Victory is at Hand!” May 10, 2019, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/05/10/archangel-michael-victory-is-at-hand/.
“Be with and observe.” (2) Don’t engage with the vasana or habitual reaction pattern. Don’t identify with it. Allow it to pass naturally, with no hooks from it to yourself or attachments from you to it.
The reason why I speak of this is that many of you – and you, beloved, included – look at situations and you say, “Well, how can it get much worse?” That is because you, and many, come from a place of love and purity of intent. But you also know that everything that has need to be eliminated, everything that has need to be relinquished, everything that needs to be healed in this cesspool that we call “chaos” has need to come to the surface.
Otherwise – and this has happened many, many times in human history – what happens is there is a belief, there is a healing, an accommodation, a remedy, and then the human collective tends to think, ‘Okay, now it is cleaned up. Now it is healed. Now it is done.’ But the core – the core issues [i.e., the vasanas] – of the collective, and of course of the individuals, have not been addressed, and therefore it simply settles in and it festers.
In this part of the infinite, eternal unfoldment of our Mother’s Plan, it all has need to be surfaced so that this subtle and actual festering, until it again boils over, cannot happen. It is simply, in your time and in the Mother’s time, the juncture at which this has to be healed. So it continues to rise to the surface.
You see, those who are even deeply engaged in, shall we say, dark deeds, erroneous behaviour, false beliefs or paradigms which are all components of the chaos – very often, what has happened is that the chaos doesn’t bother them, and they thrive upon it. But the level of chaos that has come to the surface, that is being exposed in every quadrant of the planet – in every society, in every institutional structure, in every political and financial structure – it’s exhausting!
So not only is it exhausting because of the tumultuous nature, the sullied nature, of the energy that is being brought to the surface. It is also beginning – in fact, very significantly – exhausting those who have been engaged in the errant or aberrant behaviours. And that is a significant improvement. It is a significant departure.
It is anticipated – and what you would even think of as natural – that those that are of a higher vibration, those that are carrying the love and the purity in their hearts, those who are of the lightworker and loveholder community – of course, when they look at it, it is exhausting to them. That is to be expected. In many ways, it is as if, as lightworkers, you have been sitting on the edge of a volcanic waste dump for years. Of course, it is exhausting!
But it is important that those whom you think of as having been neutral, and those who have actually been the perpetrators of violence – because it is all of violence – are also becoming fed up, exhausted, overwhelmed. It is no longer simply a foray into the darkness and then a retreat to the comfort of home. This is exactly what has need to transpire.
It cannot be simply the lightbearers who are holding the light, and shining the light, and beaming the light, and being the light – it cannot simply be them doing all the heavy lifting for the entire planet to go forward.
Now, we are not saying that those recalcitrants will fully embrace the light. Even those who have been in strict containment continue to argue and fight! However, when they reach the point of exhaustion where they are fed up, that is victory – and that, my beloved friend, my brother, is what is at hand!
And you are being assisted not only by the Mother’s legions but by your Star Family, increasingly apparent and present – and will be very clearly present upon the planet very quickly – not simply as boots on the ground but in the full splendour of a delegation.
(1) Cf. Jesus:
“You live in tumultuous times and you live in a time of fulfilment. … You are leaving compassion and latitude for correction and understanding.
“You are bringing to light what needs to be revealed so it doesn’t destroy the fiber of your society. … When you see the shadow, it defines the light.” (Jesus through Linda Dillon, Heart Call, Sept. 19, 2020.)
(2) “This is the ‘be with and observe’ process that I’m recommending others take on to give us a means of handling being reactivated by seeing a strange galactic or being asked to board a space ship.
“Surrender to the upset, feel it, name the feeling, allow the mind to toss up the earlier similar incident, try it on for size, and watch the upset drain away. If you can’t do these things because the galactic [in question] is extending his hand, then just ‘be with’ the situation. That alone will have the upset pass faster than reacting to it.
“The alternative is to be reactivated, draw back in alarm, feel flustered, bow out of the situation, etc.” (“OK, I Feel Upset. … Oh, Great!” in Vasanas: Preparing for Ascension by Clearing Old Issues at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Vasanas-Preparing-for-Ascension-R10.pdf, p. 220.
What I call “be with and observe” Kathleen calls “feel to heal.”
Archangel Michael: Everything that Needs Healing Must First Come to the Surface | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/18/2022 09:46:00 PM