Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Energetic Intuitive Course: Lesson 28 | Athena via Sharon Stewart

Submitted to Voyages of Light on September 13, 2022

Lesson 28: Sensing Your Own Energy

Lie down and go into a meditative state. Blank your mind of thoughts. Focus your attention inward and go to various parts of your body seeing if you can sense the energy around them. What does it feel like? What is it doing? Does the energy feel heavy or light?

Next breathe white light into the energy pockets that you find to see if you can change their vibration. Negative energy surrounds all parts of the body if you allow it and it will insinuate itself into the physical through your body.

Clear it up in higher planes before you manifest sickness and pain.

Be willing to hear the message that this pain has to tell you. Yes, your body and your light body will speak to you if you'll listen but you must be in a receptive state of mind.

YouTube: SharonandIvoofVega

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