Submitted to Voyages of Light on September 13, 2022
Lesson 29: Understand You Have Your Own Purpose and Your Own Methods of Sensing the Non-Physical
Athena: Some of you, for example, are strong dreamers. You carry much information back from the astral/etheric planes in the morning.
Sharon, on the other hand, in weak in this. Only once or twice has she had a dream experience that hasn't related to her life on earth.
Learn to work with the ways that work for you.
Some of you are not clair-audient but you can do automatic handwriting if you try.
Some of you are strong at sensing what's around you, but cannot see it all yet. This is another problem Sharon laments. She'd love to see all of what's around her on earth. She can sense many people who are not entirely human, and she did see an incarnated demonic in the form of her neighbour, but generally she cannot see who is behind the world's leaders.
Me: I'm working on it.
Athena: You are more clair-audient and your third eye came in later on (which is clairvisual).
Me: I know. I'm making up for lost time, though, Athena. I'd love to see what some people have seen even about me, because I got a few wide eyed stares of amazement from some people who are clairvisual. Or my cat sits there looking at whoever happens to be in my apartment but I can't see them all the time, only on occasion.
Athena: So for this week, look back through your life and count up the number of times you saw something unusual – either with third eye or with your physical sight, count up the number of times you heard anything usual, smelled anything unusual, etc. This will perhaps give you more information on what you need to develop first. Once the first modality is developed, you will find others come in naturally or you can work on developing them as well.
The first thing you must believe is that all humans are capable in all the clairs and since you are human, that includes you. You are not the exception to this and you don't have some kind of disability that makes you an exception – you are capable of all the clairs as well.
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