By Catherine Viel, August 13, 2022
(Golden Age of Gaia)
August 12, 2022
…Beware! Beware!
His flashing eyes, his floating hair!
Weave a circle round him thrice,
And close your eyes with holy dread
For he on honey-dew hath fed,
And drunk the milk of Paradise.
~Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Kubla Khan

Many have described earth as a prison planet. While that’s a bit bleak, it does seem fairly accurate. We incarnate and take on the Sisyphean task of waking up to what ancient spiritual systems describe as our non-severable connection with Source / All That Is. Because in fact we are Source / All That Is.
So far, so good. Not ideal because, let’s face it, life on earth has been horrendously hard for the majority of humans over the millennia. This is usually justified by spiritual sources because we’re here to “learn lessons” and, one presumes, grow from them.
But all is not always bleak. When we transition out of the body, we’re transported into a higher realm where our soul regroups for another round of “learning lessons” on Earth.
Or so the story goes. But what if the reincarnation narrative is in fact a bit different? Many note that much of what we’re told, for example religious teachings, was created and/or falsified by the dark controllers to further their own aims and to repress / enslave humanity. Skepticism seems a reasonable approach to even the most sacred of spiritual cows.
What if, rather than being instantly freed from the lower-fourth-dimensional clutches of those dark controllers, we enter into another, equally controlled level of the Earth game?
Still trapped, only we don’t know it.

I’ve been ruminating on this subject ever since I watched an interview with David Icke last week where he discusses his new book, The Trap (see a partial transcript of that interview here). Given David’s stellar track record over the last thirty-plus years with accurately describing the identities and activities of the planet’s dark controllers, I think there’s a good chance he’s correct in what he’s saying now.
He notes:
It’s interesting that in the official story of reincarnation, you have to keep reincarnating to “learn lessons” to reach a state of enlightenment, a state of frequency, which allows you to break the cycle of reincarnation. The point being, that, how can you learn lessons—quote—if you keep coming back into this realm with the memory of the lessons you’ve already learned, wiped? So you’re basically starting with a blank sheet of paper.
I mean, you can be influenced from the subconscious by previous lives, yes. Previous experiences. But you don’t overwhelmingly, consciously, know what has happened, what you’ve learned, so you’re starting with a blank piece of paper.
So, what do you mean, “learning lessons“?
David also notes:
If I put reincarnation into another context, what if this [3D] level of the simulation is not the only level of the simulation? What if, if you leave the body, if you leave it in a certain vibrational state, you’re still in the simulation, you’re just in other levels of it?
So what’s happening is that…souls, consciousness, is being recycled in and out of this reality, over and over again…one of the things that it’s doing, through all of the emotional trauma, upsets, and what have you, that comes from that, the way this world is structured, is that you’re giving off low-vibrational emotion and thought, all the time. Depression, fear—the big one—anxiety, all these low-vibrational emotions, resentment, hatred…and what do those emotions resonate to, in frequency terms?
I say, to the lower levels of the astral [lower fourth dimension]. That’s where that energy is going.
In other words, rather than experiencing the spiritual process of reincarnation for the purpose of “learnng lessons” as it may have originally been intended—perhaps for a certain agreed-upon number of incarnations, in the single digits rather than six figures—the dark controllers have co-opted it and used it to maintain control of humans even through the processes of death and eventual rebirth.
I find that notion depressing and, frankly, horrifying…with the redeeming virtue that the dark controllers’ (possible) co-opting of reincarnation, as well as their other well-known and -documented anti-human activities, appear to be coming to an end pretty darned soon.

A bit about David:
David Icke has been writing books for decades warning that current events were coming. He has faced ridicule and abuse for saying that the end of human freedom was being planned, how, and by whom.
David Icke’s The Biggest Secret, first published in 1998, has been called the ‘Rosetta Stone’ of the conspiracy movement for the way it exposed how the pieces fit and the nature of the force behind human control.
The Trap is the ‘Rosetta Stone’ of illusory reality and opens the door to freedom in its greatest sense.
The Earth Game | Catherine Viel
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/14/2022 01:10:00 AM