(Golden Age of Gaia)
By Digger Barr
About Me
t’s not nice to fool Mother Nature.
At risk of revealing my age, I reflect upon this advertising jingle with a new perspective.
Do you remember it?
I think it was an advertisement for margarine. Not Blue Bonnet but a weird long name Like ‘ I can’t believe it’s not butter”.
Who names something with a sentence?
Could you imagine naming your kid with a sentence long name. Hey, “Hurry up and get out already”, dinner is ready. Or “My sweet Angel of light that I love with all of my being”, Please pass the butter.
Anyway, it is the Mother nature thing that I was thinking about.
More specifically on how it’s not nice to fool her.
The crazy thought here is thinking that we could fool her. Ha! No, I do not believe that is possible.
But many attempts have been made.
The GMO world of manipulation is all working hard at trying to simulate the real thing.
What is the purpose of it?
Why try to recreate something that already exists as best it could be in its purest natural form already?
Ahh, see, my bias has risen to the surface.
I can be a purist. And I do prefer the natural organic forms of living.

I really do like dirt.
Good dirt. Not fake forced dirt.
Do you know how hard it is to purchase Organic dirt?
What is that? the lady at the materials yard asks me. I said, Well, we used to just call it dirt.
Now I have to ask for organic dirt or compost.
What I get sold is not that. It is a compilation of yard waste that is filled with chemicals, plastic and anybody’s guess of what else.
There is chipped wood product as well.
This does not earn it the title of organic.
This stuff does not grow plant material.
You cannot fool mother nature.
It’s not just the dirt.
Unnatural infiltration appears in many elements of our biological existence. And as I am learning even beyond that.
I have never been good at working with technology.
Cyberworld stuff is not real to me.
I know how to use some things. I get the concept and see the convenience and “improvement” potential.
I am just not very good at it.
Honestly, I’d really rather have a conversation face to face. It feels better. The connection is more real. Full of energy, the physical connection cannot be recreated artificially.
We try. Goodness we have tried.
We have been forced to navigate new methods in order to connect with each other these past years.
We have been quite creative meeting with a reasonable amount of success. Yet no one is surprised when it fails.
I pray this will not become normal or stay the way of things.
I hold out for more Organic forms of communication. Face to Face is most natural.
Telepathy would be even more successful. Heh heh. Try fooling Mother Nature now.
Your very thought will be revealing the truth of how you really feel.
That is the rawest form of truth.
We really aren’t allowed that right now.
Our thoughts and opinions have been hidden behind layers of technology.
And politics.
And survival coping mechanisms.
We aren’t allowed to voice our true opinion in fear of retribution for having a different thought.
Even our belief systems have been manipulated and modified so we grow up not knowing the truth about who we are.
What is our real organic origin?
The era of fooling Mother Nature is getting its comeuppance.
I feel we are on the path to find out the real dirt.
Let me step off the path and wait for a minute.
I want to take a stab at this AI tomfoolery.

That’s my stance.
To AI, I say no!
Not my life. Not my Planet. You do not get to rule here.
To Siri, Alexia, Google. You are not real. If you want to take over and rule me, I say NO.
Let me take a minute and rename you. I will call you, “It’s time to pull the plug”. Maybe a more fitting name, “The Borg that fails at assimilating Planet Earth”.
Yes, “Borgfailure”. It has a nice ring to it.
There is no greater feeling than getting back to nature. In its truest form.
Simulated black screens of waterfall sounds are nice.
But nothing will ever replace the real deal.
You cannot fool Mother Nature.
And more importantly, It’s not nice.
And organics know, if you can’t play nice, you don’t get to play at all.
It feels good to stand in my purest form with my purest thought. Love.
In love, the contaminated world dissipates.
In this vibration all things not of truth fade away.
This is where I want to live.
It’s Not Nice to Fool Mother Nature | Digger Barr
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
6/24/2022 02:37:00 AM