How to Get to 5D: You're Already Free, You Just have to Realize it | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart

February 23, 2022

How to Get to 5D

You're Already Free, You Just Have to Realize It

Me: Now what was I just thinking as we finished up the last video? I thought, “If everybody got conscious of what they were doing every moment of the day, then imagine the changes that would take place in this world. People would quit their jobs, they'd choose lifestyles that they could enjoy rather than going for money or whatever....”

Then I heard, “You're already free. You just have to realize it.”

So this voice in my head thinks that earthlings are victims of self entrapment. Yes and no. We were born into a system of slavery. How can we be free when we're in a system of slavery? We have to realize that our mind isn't in shackles. Maybe our bodies are because we have to earn money, but our minds aren't. And our minds create our reality.

I suppose the negative alien alliance had in mind to shackle our minds through controlling our physical reality, maybe they decided to work it backwards and I think they've had some success in doing so. But we're still free.

Ivo: In fact, you have never left Heaven, my love. Heaven is where you are as well.

Me: It's that I live with 7 billion or so people who believe this to be real, and it's not. It's that some people actually like this reality and they prefer to be here. I don't.

So, the irony: People on this earth fighting for the thing they already have and always did have – freedom. I can hear the groans because there are people who don't understand what I'm saying.

Ivo: It boils down to your free will, my love. You have the capacity to create anything that you desire. Some people prefer to create enslavement. Others do not. These people will split apart and choose their respective timelines.

Me: So then what about the RCMP truck sitting across the street last week? What about the fact that our beloved PM has declared the war act on his own people? How's that for free?

Ivo: Will you allow him to do so?

Me: No, I don't allow him to.

Ivo: So we will see what he will be able to get away with. If the majority of Canadians are on his side, then he will implement this heinous regime, if not he will not get away with it.

Me: I don't think he'll get away with it. In fact, I think it will blow up in his face.

Ivo: Then we will see if you are correct. You are always free.

Me: Then why is my physical avatar on the run? Why do I have to bug out? Why am I subject to others' will for me?

Ivo: Because of the collective of Canadian consciousness is not to the point yet that will allow the people not to be free.

Me: So you're saying it will take time to free us?

Ivo: Yes. The more people wake up and see what is going on and say “no” to it, the more free all will become.

Me: So it's not about me creating my reality, it's about the co-creation of this reality and it's affecting me?

Ivo: Correct.

Me: That's wrong!

Ivo: Go live on another planet with other rules.

Me: Is there one where I can captain my own ship?

Ivo: There are many. These planets do not have councils, they do not have governments, there is no ruling class or leaders. All the people on this planet are self sustaining and self directing.

Me: Where is it? I'm going!

Ivo: Well, there is one caveat.

Me: There's always that, isn't there?

Ivo: You are entirely responsible for everything you say and do. You must be of the highest, more pure consciousness to be able to live here otherwise you will manifest instantly the consequences of your impure thoughts.

Me: Oh, that could suck.

Ivo: It could suck.

Me: What dimension is it?

Ivo: It is a ninth dimensional planet.

So if you become angry at your friend and tell them to “go away!” or to “get lost!” they will vanish and you will never see them again. If you say, “I'd rather die than work at this job another day,” the universe will take you literally and you will die.

Me: We're fourteenth dimensionals, Ivo.

Ivo: We are. So you see that each dimension is a training ground for the next one higher. And it goes in slow gradations in order that your learning be as efficient as possible.

Me: Aha. 9D eh?

Ivo: So when I tell you this, and you realize we are fourteenth dimensionals...

Me: I wonder what I'm doing here.

Ivo: I will tell you what you are capable of even in the fourth dimension.... you are capable of thought so exacting and so specific that you can survive this ninth dimensional planet. The reason you are not behaving this way now is because of influence. You desire to fit in and do as others do in order to relate to them.

Me: Maybe that's a skill?

Ivo: Lowering your frequency? I suppose.

Me: Is being so exact in your intentions and words actually freedom?

Ivo: It is.

Me: It sounds like work.

Ivo: From your perspective, it would sound like work. You would feel you are not capable of it because you are relating to this concept as a fourth dimensional. A true fourth dimensional is not capable of this exactness of frequency, but someone who is a fourteenth dimensional is very capable of it, and more. It is about realizing who you truly are.

Me: So tell me.

Ivo: I am.

Me: I don't think there's any information about how to tap your higher dimensional mind here on earth, I haven't found any anyway.

Ivo: I can provide you with that training. You must first stop thinking it is impossible.

Me: Oh. I got an intuition! If you are that refined of mind and in the practise of being very specific about intention, like not lying to yourself for example, then you will be able to manifest instantly and more of your higher skills will come on line. I'd like to bi-locate.

Ivo: You would be able to bi-locate because with the mind that able to create reality at that level, it could split into two locations and still cope with it. It is that your minds are, pardon the expression, but flabby, and your spiritual muscles are lax that you have to walk or drive from one place to the next. You also do not believe you are capable of this kind of intention and preciseness, and yes, particularly in your case the Negative Alien Alliance are keen on stopping you from realizing you have these innate powers already, although they are latent. The NAA does not want people with fourteenth dimensional powers upon earth.

Me: I guess not!

Ivo: If there were only a hundred of you, you could stop the NAA from even existing.

Me: Are there a hundred of us?

Ivo: Yes, but you have amnesia, again put in place by the NAA, and you are being heavily trolled, cursed and attacked by them to keep your vibration down. In your case, you are also in poor health. These things all matter.

In your case it is a question of not allowing poor health to influence your mind.

Me: That's pretty hard, Ivo. When I'm tired my head doesn't work right. My math skills are atrophying, and I can't remember nouns and the definition of words.

Ivo: Yes. And that is the other point. In order for one to have perfect mind, you must have perfect body and you do not have this.

Me: Nope.

Ivo: However conversely, to have perfect body you can use perfect mind, so you can call on your fourteenth dimensional mind to help to heal your body.

Me: I believe I have. (This is Sigrid, she's my God self)

Ivo: And you have fought her. She said, “Eat vegetables.” Now you are listening.

It is also a question of where your focus is in life, my love. For you it relates to the Storm and your weight and diet. These take up the predominant part of your day. When you are focused on becoming pure of mind, you will find many ways to further this and link with higher mind.

Me: True.

Ivo: You could bring your fourteenth dimensional mind to bear on this planet, my love.

Me: That'd be cool.

Ivo: We can work to that end especially when you are with me and I can get you off of your computer for some time. We can work on these skills.

Me: What would I do being down here? I spend my time trying to stop Merlin from overeating and looking for screwdrivers to replace the battery in my weigh scale... I do the laundry, the dishes, spend my time on line... all 4D things.

Ivo: Do these things and then give yourself a time, perhaps in the evenings to explore higher consciousness.

Me: I think people do that through yoga.

Ivo: It is possible to do so without it. Simply ask questions of yourself. You have many guides and many adjuncts on many different dimensions who can supply you with information. You have Anara who is a ninth dimensional, perhaps you would start by asking her what she is learning.

Me: Okay. Might be interesting for the viewers as well.

Ivo: It might be. But sometimes you must take for yourself, my love.

Me: I know. I do a lot of service.

Ivo: We will work on this. With your strength returning we can begin to explore higher dimensions.

YouTube: SharonandIvoofVega

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How to Get to 5D: You're Already Free, You Just have to Realize it | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart How to Get to 5D: You're Already Free, You Just have to Realize it | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 2/24/2022 01:13:00 AM Rating: 5

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