How to Get to 5D: Develop Discipline | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart

February 23, 2022

How to Get to 5D, Develop Discipline

Discipline starts with the mind. Whatever it is you've decided you need to do and it could be any of these and so many more.....

- stop complaining, look for the bright side in everything – teach yourself to be a positive thinker (you will vibrate higher)

- Watch for instructions from the dark ones and refuse to follow them (see our video about implants and tags for more clarification)

- meditate daily

- clear your chakras and ground daily

- Stop finding fault in others and learn to accept them as they are. That doesn't mean you put up with everything you don't like, but that you stop attacking them

- Stop attacking people. How do you expect to develop unity consciousness when you keep engaging the divide and conquer agenda? Understand you've been programmed and it's time to un-do the programming.

- Working on taking responsibility for your own thoughts and behaviours.

- Rooting out and isolating any behaviour noted in the seven deadly sins: sloth (laziness), greed, pride (egotism), lust, gluttony, envy (jealousy), anger.

Whatever it is that you decide you need to work on to tackle your mind control programming, discipline is the answer. Keep at it. If you fail one day, then don't give up. Just go on with it the next day. Keep at it. Understand an imperfect mind controlled mind is not going to be able to do it perfectly the first time. Stop hammering at yourself when you realize you've slipped. Just keep at it.

Ivo: When you own your own mind, nobody else can. That is the ultimate of power.

Me: Yes, that even sounds powerful, Ivo.

Ivo: When you use your mind to serve you rather than to own you, you are powerful.

Me: How do you get the mind to serve you, Ivo?
Ivo: As we have said in this series and beyond this, my love, you utilize the tools we have provided for you to train your subconscious.

Subconscious training is very important. The earthling has a large subconscious and because of this you are able to run on what you call auto pilot throughout the day, doing things habitually. It is in fact this that you must stop doing. You must learn to use your conscious mind to control your subconscious.

Your subconscious, for example, wants to turn left onto the main road without looking both ways first. Sharon has taught herself to look both ways even though the light is green and she has the right of way at a particular intersection. Why? Because she understands this is a main thoroughfare for fire engines and police cars who will race through one of the busiest streets in her city with lights and sirens on, and she has been caught crossing the street with a fire truck oncoming. She would prefer to yield to the fire trucks and for this reason, she monitors the intersection and then checks to see that she is free to go, that no emergency vehicles are oncoming.

She is driving consciously. At other points when she is singing in the car or thinking of me, she is driving unconsciously, in an altered state at times. This must be avoided.

Me: Hmm. That's interesting, Ivo.

Ivo: Your subconscious mind responds to inputs from the conscious mind. As you decide to change its programming, you must use your conscious mind to do so. Otherwise, it will tell you what it desires for you and it will automatically do it.

Mind control is piped into your heads at the frequency of the subconscious mind. That is why you must control your subconscious, not the other way around. That is why you must become what they call “mindful.”

Sharon hears thoughts that she should overeat or eat something sugary at times and she simply ignores it. Why? Because she has taken control of her mind. For those who diet, the more control you have over your mind, or the more conscious control you exert over your food intake, the less your subconscious will tell you what to do. It is not a question of controller and subordinate, it is a question of mastering your life.

When you do not pilot your ship, it will steer you around.

What most people on earth do is they give up too easily. They expect perfection the first time or the second or third time. This is unrealistic. Sometimes it takes years of re-programming your subconscious to achieve the results you desire.

Look at every time you succeed as a win. Look at every time you do not succeed as a good try. Be positive about it.

Many people believe they can motivate themselves with negativity. They cannot. Guilt, shaming and fear based thoughts do nothing to motivate you as they usurp power, they do not increase power. If you are dieting, putting pictures of pigs around the house does not work. Why? Because the shame projected at yourself all the time continues your low vibrational frequency. Besides that, a pig is simply an animal. There is no shame in being an animal so your epithet is irrational.

Developing discipline is a question of sticking to it. When you plan to discipline yourself in one area of your life, it is a good idea to look at other areas where your discipline is lacking. Why? Because you are re-training your entire mind to behave in a certain way, not just in a certain way around one area of your life. It is your mind you are changing, not just one aspect of it.

Deciding to lose weight can raise your vibration, but also raising your vibration can help you to lose weight as well. You will find less food is required.

Me: I found I wanted less food when I stopped eating too much sugar. I found eating sugar made me crave more sugar.

Ivo: Yes. So now you could really care less whether you eat or not. It does not matter to you.

Me: Yes.

Ivo: In the same token, your disciplining yourself around other matters: how you relate to others for example, or how you deal with stress, will help you around your diet. It is all related because it is all you, and it is all your own projection.

Me: Yes. Thank you Ivo.

Ivo: My love, you are doing well.

Me: Yes, I'm done overdoing it. I just find the stuff I do so fascinating, that's the other thing.

Ivo: However, again, many of you work in such a way that you are unconscious of it. You are simply bent on achieving rather than enjoying what you do. People who enjoy their jobs are conscious of what they are doing, they do not do things by rote.

Me: That makes sense. I still find the best thing I did is stopping negative thinking before it gets ahold of my mind. Right as it comes in the door, I slam the door shut on it and say, “I'm not going to go there. I know where this leads and I don't feel like being miserable today.” It actually works!

Ivo: You understand that you have much more choice than you realize. You are not a victim of your thinking, your past, or even your own belief system if you desire not to be.

Me: I remember when I started “thought stopping” I wasn't always successful. But the more I did it, the more successes I experienced. Now when I say, “Stop! Not going there!” it works.

YouTube: SharonandIvoofVega

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How to Get to 5D: Develop Discipline | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart How to Get to 5D: Develop Discipline | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 2/24/2022 01:11:00 AM Rating: 5

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