Tuesday, January 18, 2022
What the Future will Look Like, Part 3 | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart
January 18, 2022
What the Future Will Look Like -
Life Will Be More Simple
That's because running a world based in evil is very complicated. I'm not saying we're going to become simpletons, not at all, what we're saying is that life will lose its complexity due to stress, pressure and conflict being removed. It will run more smoothly.
Ivo: From your experience, Sharon, living a life run by intuition is much easier than not. When you are anxious, you are less likely to listen to your intuition and you easily feel overwhelmed by things such as handling the cat on a car ride and how to deal with the movers when they bring your new couch.
Me: I know. It's pathetic, really but right now in winter with no sunshine I have very few resources. I just like to sit the winter out, or sleep it out, rather, and wait for spring. I run to the park every time I get a chance to have sunshine but they're not letting us have any these days. It's been a snowy winter and some days are cold. I think it was colder when I was a kid, but maybe that's me. But there's no sun and when there's no sun, I struggle.
Ivo: But when you are centered and life is going more smoothly, you simply wait for your intuition to lead you to the next thing you need to see.
Me: I do. I ask questions. Lots of them. And then I find the questions are being answered in a video I just happen to watch or some other thing I come by by chance, and it's not chance at all. Life is not random – it's very deliberate.
Ivo: This is how to use your intuitive guidance. Not everyone can hear their intuition but they can ask questions and ask to be shown the answer. If it is not your answer to know, then you will not be shown. Very simple. And this is what we mean by life becomes easier. We are complex beings in the higher dimensions and have a multitude of skills that we utilize that a human in the lower dimensions may not have access to yet.
The reason we have higher abilities is because we do not abuse our powers. We are pure of intention and our intention is always benevolent.
These last few days you are noticing that you turn off video's by moving your hand over the keyboard – you need not even touch it anymore. The toothbrush that turned over and spilled its toothpaste out which then righted itself up again as per your thoughts amazed you.
Me: Yes, I took a double take at that one. I was sure the toothbrush was turned bristles down and then when I glanced at it again the bristles were turned back up.
Ivo: That is what you desired so it was done for you.
Me: That's funny. I do find that I get more and more of life going my way with all the parking spots I get made to order and now other things are happening.
I wanted to see you but Merlin was clearly staring at you this evening. He was looking way up the wall and I know you were there.
I like life like that. It's fun. I'm too used to not getting what I wanted on earth and that had a reason as well. If I'd had everything go the way I wanted, I would never have learned just what it is to go through a process of re-empowerment and what you have to do. So it was for that reason that I went through a lot of trouble in my life – so I could overcome it. And that's the same for every one of you who has had a problem in your lifetime – it's not to your liking because you have to change it.
But does that mean then, Ivo, that when we get earth to the point where she actually supports the true nature of a human, like when earth is balanced and the human can balance themselves in turn, what is there beyond that? What other learning is there to do? We're starting at rock bottom here. We're changing a world that not only doesn't support our true needs, but it also blocks us from realizing who we truly are as humans, and it's designed that way. So when we right all these wrongs, understand what our rights are and keep ensuring that they're being met, then what? Do we just live happily ever after or is there continued learning?
Ivo: There is always continued learning however not through adversity. Only a dualistic planet can provide learning through adversity. The fifth dimension and higher planes are planes of unity consciousness but what you will do throughout these dimensions is gain more and more knowledge of the nature of God, which is Unity.
And of course, the nature of learning is that it be taught again. So as you are a student, so will you become a teacher.
Me: Yes, they say the only thing a teacher has to know is more than the student, so this would apply here.
Ivo: Correct. But I must comment that living a life where you have no idea of your true identity is a travesty. Earthlings are living this now. It is a testament to the strength of the soul that anyone should think to strive forward to create a better world now, but this is the strength of the soul that you see upon earth now. The soul's intention of creating a better world for all, but also the intention the soul has to express itself in a proper environment.
Yes, earth is a wonderful place for the soul to learn, but those souls who have come to earth not to learn but to teach have always run up against the odds all their lives, and yet some still prevail. As was the case with you, my love.
Me: Yes, life never met my needs. I've always been one to just witness what others call a normal life and give them a blank look. Then there was always the thought that, “Well, they should know so I guess I just have to go along with it.” I tried so many things that others considered to be normal and failed miserably. I failed the earth school, really, and that's because it wasn't made for me. It wasn't made for the earthling either, but they'll find that out soon enough. They believe this is normal. It's not. I've always known it wasn't. I just thought everyone was nuts.
I believed that if I got over childhood abuse then everything would fall into place. It didn't. I then believed it was because of my addictions and all I had to do was get them into order, and then everything would fall into place. It didn't. Now with the current events going on, I could fall into the trap of believing that all we have to do is fix everything and then life will fall into place. I don't think it will, not for me, anyway because earth is on a steep learning curve. I'm already at the top of that curve and some of you may be as well.
The place never worked for me.
Ivo: And we have said, it will not for those who have come to change it. You have an ideal that you hold in your mind about how life should be and when you measure it up against what earth is now, it falls short. You know you are on the wrong planet. Many starseeds have these thoughts.
In most cases, someone in the galaxy will be born onto a planet that aligns with their experience for the most part. The part that does not gel is the part that they have come to work on. In the experience of a starseed, none of the earth life can gel with them because it is all alien to their inner nature. Some have some success and manage to adjust in certain ways. Others do not. Sharon was one who did not. Her experience was completely foreign to her inner nature.
Me: Yes, my sister used to tell me I was like two people. I'd do x one day and the next day say or do the exact opposite.
Ivo: You have spent your entire life unlearning what others were attempting to teach you.
Me: Yes, speaking of stress.
Ivo: It would be stressful, yes. Life will become simpler for the people of earth. Eventually the idea of a starseed will become second nature to the people of earth, therefore for the starseeds born here, they will be allowed to align with their alien nature and not expected to conform as has been the case now. They will be seen as special babies with special purposes and allowed to be guided by extraterrestrial spirits and embodied extraterrestrials. Twin flame relationships such as Sharon and mine will be accepted and people will accept the idea of extraterrestrial life even to this degree.
Me: I think some of our kings and queens have been twin flames as well as maybe illuminati, but then there are famed couples like King Arthur and Lady Guinevere, who probably were twin flames. If not earthlings, then ET twin flames.
Ivo: This will become accepted again.
Me: Oh, I get it. You and I will be one of the first couples in history and looked back upon as a twin flame pair.
Ivo: Correct.
Me: Yes, it'll be interesting explaining the fact I have two bodies and a bunch of different names. That'll throw wikipedia for a loop, won't it?
This is the other thing, folks, as starseeds who are moving earthlings into the new age, we're the ones whose names will reverberate throughout the future's history lessons. They'll look back to this time in history and see us as some of the ones who moved this earth out of darkness.
Ivo: Correct, again.
Me: The contributions we make now are important. Just make sure they're divinely guided. As you know, not all of earth is on board with our mystic nature, not yet, but once they start to have strange things happening to them like seeing strange things and then beginning to influence energy like we do, then they're going to have to study up on the mystical nature of the human, because we are mystical in nature. As was Jesus or as he likes to call himself, Yeshua.
Ivo: Yes, when they begin to have the experiences, they will begin to attempt to understand why.
Me: And that's the thing I want to remind people of: your natural powers don't tend to come on board until you move into more integrous behaviour. You're part of God and God prefers you not to miscreate. Speaking of which, people are already mystical in nature, it's just they think what they've created is “just life” or due to God or something. No, you create it, not God. God gave you free will to create a life for yourself you'd want to live. That's one very important thing people have to understand.
When you start seeing toothbrushes right themselves up after they'd tipped over, people running to pull their car out of their spot so you can drive through, and even when you get that job you've always dreamed of, there you go, you're a mystic.
Life is mystical. Life is alchemical. But it has to be spiritual first.
Ivo: Very good, my love. We will keep this short on account of your fatigue.
Me: Not so bad at night, strangely. It's the daytime I tire more in.
YouTube: SharonandIvoofVega
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