Tuesday, January 18, 2022
What the Future will Look Like, Part 2 | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart
January 18, 2022
Hi folks. Sorry about the sound on the Archangel Michael video, but I was just testing you to see if you're telepathic. LOL Just kidding! I have to look at the settings in my video software because obviously something's not right.
Also, Ashtar's new book about current events is available on payhip.com and it can be purchased with paypal. I've decided not to put it up on Amazon yet because I don't want to lose that account.
What The Future Will Look Like – All Will Be Taught How To Use Universal Law
We're going through what some call a devolution of the old system. It's falling apart. The narrative is just being ignored, either personally or legally. What we're seeing as people are fighting for their rights is a new system rising up.
Right now, people are basing their rights upon constitutional law, but eventually we will evolve to the point that our rights will be based on the Galactic Codex and universal law. That means everyone will have to be familiar with both of these.
Ivo: And this is correct, my love. You will all learn to become familiar with universal law, as we the Lyrans and the Vegans did many years ago. We had to because we found that whenever we did something that went against universal law, we suffered.
Me: You were third dimensionals, I take it.
Ivo: Yes, and to some extent fourth dimensionals. We had to learn that when you go against universal law, you experience negative consequences.
Me: Hence the situation earth is in now. We've got more wars cropping up and the old system is breaking down.
Ivo: This is correct. These beings who have created your old system cannot keep it running because there is too much Light opposing them now. The incoming energies, try as they may to stop them from coming in, are coming through the people as well as through portals which have reversed from negative polarity again.
You will all experience a re-education. You will be taught what universal law is and how to use it. It is as if you all will be sitting in a mystery school. You will be taught about the earth's energetic structure, and how the plants, animals and rocks are all a part of that.
Me: Even the animals?
Ivo: What you call ecology goes a lot deeper, my love. Animals are part of the energetic structure of earth just as humans are. You give to the earth as she gives to you in return.
Much of your esoteric information has been kept hidden throughout the ages, your true history has been kept hidden from you through the ages, and now you are beginning to see things revealed to you. Starting with this now and who the players are and what is being carried out to deceive you, you will learn this and then it will carry on from there.
Your books will be rewritten. Your language will evolve to symbols rather than letters. There will be no more spelling to be done on you. Symbols are the language of the right hemisphere.
Me: I thought the right hemisphere was non-verbal?
Ivo: Can you hear me?
Me: I can.
Ivo: Then you thought incorrectly. It is a different type of language, however language is possible through the right hemisphere.
Me: Interesting. But the thing is, Ivo what I see immediately in front of us is still a world based upon economics.
Ivo: That is the first step. Negative economics switching to positive economics.
Of course there will be those who are more prepared to advance more quickly than others, and that is fine. They will become the teachers.
There will be many assisting the Galactic Federation and the Pleiadian forces in re-educating the people of earth.
It will take time. As you see, information is something that some people will adjust to easily whereas others will not.
Me: How are we being prepared for this now?
Ivo: There are many who are defying the narrative of lies being told to you now; they are coming out with new information and new hypotheses. Eventually, the truth will come to you all through the return of memories as the Akashic records are re-installed within you.
Me: Thank you for that, Ivo.
Ivo: My love, I realize you are fatigued and depressed. Please carry on with packing and understand we are with you every step of the way.
Me: Thanks, Ivo.
YouTube: SharonandIvoofVega
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