Tuesday, January 4, 2022
How to Get to 5D, Part Three | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart
January 3, 2022
How to Get to 5D – Part 3
One important way to get to 5D: Never Ever Ever Ever Lie. Be unscrupulously honest and learn to call yourself out on your own bullshit.
You are a creator god/goddess. If you allow yourself to lie then you miscreate. What do you want the universe to be built on – truth or lies? Creation or miscreation? By default you are a being of truth and you cannot easily live a lie. Your natural inclination is towards truth so set your heart free and stop lying.
We all bullshit ourselves. Living in this world, you have to. It makes you feel safe but it's a false sense of security you're building for yourself, which is a trap. Seriously, if you have to build a false sense of security up against the world you live in, it doesn't say much for your world, does it?
Does that mean you go around insulting people? No. You don't. Just for fun, I asked Ivo if he thought I was fat. I am still probably 40 – 50 pounds overweight. Ivo can't lie. It's a choice he makes every day – to tell the truth - because he knows his frequency depends upon being honest. So let's do this. One of the ways he holds his high vibration is by living by the truth.
Ivo, do you think I'm fat?
Ivo: You are a bit overweight, my love.
Me: Do I care that he calls me overweight? No. He's not saying it in a derogatory fashion and I know he's not capable of being malicious. People here on earth chuck shit at each other all the time, so I will never allow anyone to make a comment on my weight because I know people here can be abusive. Ivo isn't abusive so we have a very open, honest relationship. I allow him to comment on my physical appearance whereas there's no way I'd let anyone here on earth do it, because I know people can be nasty and have ulterior motives. They would comment on my weight in order to make themselves feel better about theirs, for example. Anyone who does that, frankly, I have no time for.
He doesn't. He doesn't care that I'm overweight except for maybe health reasons. I've looked many ways to him through many physical lifetimes, so my appearance is less important to him than who I am as a person. And that's the way it should be, in fact.
Don't Be Mean
There are no nasty people in 5D. Simple fact. I speak to them all the time. They are always easy to talk to and I'm far less defended around them than I am speaking to people on earth.
Stop being nasty. It only hurts you in the end.
Never Manipulate Others
When you manipulate others, what in effect you're doing is attempting to take away their right to say “No” to your request. This is about their rights, and like I said in our Galactic Codex video, all ETs of the Light in 5D know their rights. By trying to deny others their right to say no to you, you are trying to limit their ascension experience and you are most certainly limiting your own.
Do Not Control Other People
We've put out so many video's on this, do I really have to go over it again? I can only put in front of you what I can and you can only take from it what you can.
It's hard to accept sometimes that people aren't capable of more, because we all look for our tribe, but life is what it is.
Do Not Steal From Other People
There are many reasons why you shouldn't steal from others and that's because when you do, again, you're taking away their right to say “no” to you. This is important. Very important.
Recognize When You're Overwhelmed and You Need to Drop Back
If you're out of balance constantly then you're overwhelmed. This applies to empaths particularly, who have problems dealing with life on earth because of the imbalance they experience at energetic levels as well as the overwhelming negativity produced by people in this world.
Give yourself a break when you need it, and even then, give yourself regular breaks. Expecting a lot of yourself is great, but overdoing it isn't. You will burn out if you keep pushing yourself beyond your capacity.
Take time to smell the roses and recoup.
Don't Wallow in Guilt
Today I was feeding Merlin, who was wrapped around the bottom of my feet as cats do. I went to pick up a tin of cat food only to have it slip from my fingers and nearly bean him off the top of the head. I felt horrible, thinking about what could have happened.
Yes, but it DIDN'T happen.
Don't beat yourself up over what could have been. The angels saved my cat. Say thank you, be grateful that the fates worked in your favour and let it go.
That's what people who suffer from guilt don't do – they don't let it go. They use it to beat themselves up over time and time again and really, that makes you a masochist. Let it go and focus on happiness, love and peace.
Don't Drown in Shame
There's nothing to be ashamed of. You're part of God. The only reason you feel shame is because you bought into someone else's narrative for you, be it the Matrix's, your nasty mother's or an ex who didn't have your best interests at heart. By the way, that's why they're an ex, not still with you. You're smarter than that.
Beware of people who put you down, offer advice you didn't ask for, or profess to be your friend but hold you on a tight leash. You don't need that shit. You're a free person, this earth won't be freed until everyone recognizes that fact and stops allowing others to control them. People always have self serving agendas and if their self serving agenda is for your detriment, time to let these people go play their games elsewhere.
Talk about Life in Terms of What You'd Enjoy, Not What You Hate
I would enjoy a pot of fresh spring tulips in pinks and purples so I will buy myself a couple at the grocery store next time. Yellow daffodils will also make my heart sing. I can't wait until I can plant a garden full of them.
Store Up Your Happy Moments and Recall Them When You Need to
I remember when I lived in the west end of London, every spring which is around February there, those lucky people, the spring flowers would start to bloom. Violet crocuses, yellow daffodils and white narcissus would spring up in flower boxes all over the city, because the Brits like to garden, and right they are! I would go walking in Richmond and used to go just to visit my favourite coffee shop – the Mozart coffee shop – and listen to Mozart while drinking strong European coffee. It was good in this shop, and the music made my heart sing with joy!
Then when I was done I'd walk over to a church yard that had hundreds of yellow daffodils dotted throughout its lawn. I would sit there and just take the beautiful scenery in.
Me: How is all of this supposed to raise your vibration, Ivo?
Ivo: It is simple, my love. You live in a world where much of this is not available to you on a daily basis. Many people live in terrible circumstances, in war torn countries, or in poverty with no ability to move or even to take a day trip to the mountains and enjoy the scenery.
You are not prompted to create this around you, but in time you will realize you must. You must have beauty around you, you must abstain from negative interaction with others, you must stop harming yourself with negative thoughts – all of these things must be done in order to raise your frequency to a higher vibration.
Your world is fashioned in such a way as to keep you in a lower third dimensional vibration – yes, very low. You must come to realize this, and then work to raise your frequency above what is considered normal by many. It is not normal as compared to what is in the galaxy – it is very abnormal in fact.
Many of you consider yourselves to be spoiled if you have even the smallest of pleasures, but it is these pleasures that God wants you to have – this has to do with celebration. Celebration of life, celebration of Him, celebration of your relationship to others.
Ivo: Yes, you are not celebrating relationships with others at the moment because there are precious few upon earth who see things as you do. So you end up teaching all people you come across. People are work for you, and sometimes you desire a break.
Me: Yes. The other thing about celebrating is we have this weird idea that we have to celebrate Jesus and his teachings one day a year. Why be so limited? Celebrate what he brought to us every day. I'm not heavily into the Bible or Jesus because I'm Vegan but for those earthlings who are listening, go for it. Read a bit from your favourite book of his, because there are many on him or channeled by him, and reflect on the wisdom and profundity of his words. Feel his love for humanity in them. Be grateful that he came here to help us.
There's so much you can do to stop skimming the surface. And that's really another point, Ivo. Stop being superficial.
Ivo: Yes. A life unexamined is not worth living. You are then one of the ones who simply does as instructed.
Me: Here's another one: Be different. I remember I told my old landlady and her friend that if I had a lawn I would plant it full of either those yellow, purple or white flowers, ones that spread out like Jacob's ladder or violets. Instead of having a green lawn, I would have a violet lawn. They thought that was hilarious! Why is it hilarious. I get sick and tired of seeing green grass on every lawn. Every house just looks like the next one because people don't dare be different. Maybe I don't like the standard.
When you see my house, it will have Jacob's ladder all over it. I think it's Jacob's ladder I'm talking about, but in any case a low growing creeper that spreads out quickly and overtakes the lawn easily. And has purple flowers. Watch the minute I'd do that, everyone else would copy. People are just waiting for someone to break the mold, really.
Here's another one: Change your agenda from helping yourself to helping others. Even in small ways.
Ivo: Yes, imagine if the entire galaxy was self oriented. We would be fighting with each other, bickering over who gets what, there would be no Galactic Federation to help liberate the people of earth because the Galactic Federation gives of itself to help others achieve the wonderful lives its members enjoy. We want you to have the God-centric lives that we live, lives of abundance, power, love and happiness. We have all we need. The only need we seek to fulfill constantly is the need to help others who do not have what we have. So we are here on earth now.
Me: And thank God.
Ivo: Yes. Thank God. He sent us.
The third and fourth dimensions are dimensions of duality – both positive and negative can exist in them, as can suffering. Suffering serves a purpose. Your suffering shows you where you need to re-create your life, and the suffering of others shows you where you can be of help to them. It is very simple, actually but goes over the head of so many now in their ignorance.
The fifth dimension is one of Unity Consciousness – where the greater good prevails and all work towards creating balance and abundance for all others, known and unknown. As earth is travelling to this vibration, it is tantamount that the people upon her learn how to create abundance and happiness for all upon their planet.
Me: And they have to learn to stop fighting and stop thinking that killing other people is some kind of solution. Sure, it's a solution until that person reincarnates and comes back to kick your ass this time. It's a short term solution and it keeps people having to rebalance bad karma over and over in successive lifetimes. Not worth it.
Ivo: A mind focused on aggression will not see other solutions. There are always other solutions, many other solutions, but your frequency chooses your timeline and the solution you feel you should enact. So keep your vibration high and you will find solutions that you had never thought of when your mind is angry, irritated, or upset.
And that is another question and we will answer that in a future video: Where do you focus your mind when it comes to dealing with people you find unsavory and unpleasant to deal with? How do the bullied deal with the bully?
Me: Yes. Good question, Ivo.
Ivo: Thank you, my love. We have so many ways we can describe to help you raise your vibration, and it is a question of simply creating a video for this series when these methods make themselves aware to Sharon.
Me: Yes, and we have another website I've started and we'll be putting all the channelings up on this website as a separate page because I have been asked this question over and over again and now the information is there, for you to read. The website is sharonandivo.com, and it's our second website and right now it's full of dog pictures because I haven't finished working on it but there's a bit of stuff up there that you might want to read. Basically I'll be linking this website to the other website and then adding more information on this one. As far as “how to get to 5D” goes, I'm going to point this page out to people who ask and they can have a read. I'm not going to keep explaining this stuff over and over, and that's where the website helps me and is your resource. Please check the articles section on sharonandivo.weebly.com – the original website, because there's good info in there as well.
YouTube: SharonandIvoofVega
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