Tuesday, January 4, 2022
How to Get to 5D, Part Four | Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart
January 3, 2022
Part 4 – How to Get to 5D
Dealing With Self Defeating Thinking
Emphasizing Positives, Not Negatives
Hey, I can go the whole month, folks. These video ideas just keep rolling off my mental mind like nothing coming....
Me: Of course, you have to think of the term “self defeating thinking” metaphysically. Translated, it means “lowering one's vibration,” because that's what negative thinking does.
How many of you exaggerate? You see a fender bender down the road, start rubber necking to get all the gory details, and then drive home to tell your spouse what you saw. What was two people looking at a crushed quarter panel with children sitting in baby seats in the back of the car becomes, “Oh my God! There was this accident and these people were yelling at each other out on the road. The cops were there and they had to pull the people apart because they were going to punch each other out. There were children in the back seat of the car that were hit. I hope they're okay!”
That's exaggerating negatives. The reason we do this is because it gets our adrenalin going and makes us feel we're alive. A professional taking a skateboard and rolling it down hills in the countryside also gets the adrenalin going and makes them feel alive, as well as dancing to music for a few hours on end, going for a bike ride in the park on a sunny day – these things also make you feel more alive but admittedly they're more fun, positive ways to feel alive rather than working your adrenalin up thinking some kids were hurt in a car accident, especially when they weren't.
This is self defeating thinking, folks. And many of us indulge in it.
You also really have to ask yourself why you need a hit of adrenalin in order to feel alive. What is it about your everyday life that makes you feel so dead, and what can you do to change it?
Being dramatic is about what they call “Awfulizing,” which is the need to make your life exciting to yourself and other people. You could be an adrenalin junkie, and the reason for this is because if you were raised like I was, you lived off of adrenalin living with parents who were scary. You become used to this, and I realized that I am still very inclined to continue to attract people into my life who reminded me of my parents and were scary to be around. There's a solution to this too which we'll speak about later.
What you need to do is learn to love peace and quiet, and I've done this. People in the matrix don't learn to appreciate peace and quiet, in other words the state of being that you can hear your intuition and your guides and angels through, because the matrix doesn't want you to. So you are living in a busy, hurry up world, cramming far too much into your day so that you can feel the stress that you've come to associate with being normal. Change your normal. Your adrenals will thank you.
I see people drinking “Energy drinks” now. Why do you need energy drinks? You are energy. You don't need caffeine highs and lows produced through smoking pot. Your body naturally defaults to a balance of it and your mind, and it's this you have to learn to do rather than do your daily uppers and downers to help get you through a crazy, stressed out lifestyle. It's not for no reason we live this way in the western world : they want us to be stressed out because that is when a human is at its most ineffective. If you're at your most ineffective working your stressed out job and you can still manage to do everything in a day that you do, imagine if you were chill, balanced and centered and hearing your intuition. You'd be magnanimous, and you are.
Start emphasizing the positives. If you see something beautiful, admire it. If there's a beautiful sunset, go and sit and watch it for a few minutes. Play with your puppy who's always ready to love you. Make a baby laugh. Sit by the water and listen to the birds. Plant some beautiful flowers and spend time admiring the perfection of nature. Stop and notice the wonderful things. Stop ignoring them, now start making note of them.
Drive by the mall with its plastic signs of yellow, green, orange and all its drive thru's and parking lots, leave the ugliness of our plastic cities behind and go out on the highway. Drive to the lake or the ocean and sit and watch the ducks for an hour. Watch how relaxed you become. You may not even recognize yourself. Is this me? Yes, it is. You're capable of being relaxed and happy too. You need to bring more of these god-centered moments into your life. Give yourself this gift.
I go down to the park and sit and watch the water. At night I look at the stars, try to recognize the constellations and look for ships. In the summer, I sit in the warming sunshine. Focus on finding times to relax and just “be” and your entire focus will begin to shift.
At first, it may take work because you don't want to change. You're used to feeling overwhelmed, stressed out and cranky, you're used to expecting life to blow up around you day in and day out. This is low vibrational thinking. To raise your frequency, focus on relaxing. It works. If you're the active type, buy a mountain bike, get a skate board or roller blades and go out and enjoy the feeling of the wind in your face.
There are so many ways to enjoy just a few minutes of your day, yet I know so many people who just sit in the house, especially now that we've been locked down so often, and just sit in front of the tube. That's the worst way to spend your day. Go out and garden. Take the dog for a walk. Drive out in the country and find a nice spot to sit and drink a latte. Go to the beach, a nice beach that's not crowded. Emphasize the positives in your life and your life will become more positive. Emphasize what you think is wrong with it and it'll continue to bug you.
Be ready to make whatever changes are necessary to keep your vibe high. If something is a problem for you, admit it and make appropriate changes.
The problem with living on earth now is you've learned to focus on the negative. Yes, that's right. You heard me. You've not only learned to focus on it, you've learned to create it as well. So now you change your focus to accentuating the positive and minimizing the negatives.
Make a list of the five things that bug you most about your life right now. Because these are the things that are holding you back from a higher frequency, maybe even 5D frequency. Work on changing these five things to either make them more tolerable or relinquishing them all together.
Ivo: May I suggest one you have a lot of difficulty with, my love?
Me: Yes. LOL I do!
Ivo: And that is being detached. You have a lot of difficulty detaching from others because you are of unity consciousness. People who are capable of detaching easily from others see themselves as separate from others but the empath who is of unity conciousness knows that you are all One and feels it within their heart. So other people's problems tend to become your problems.
You are getting better with allowing others to live their own creations, though. Your neighbours you help out financially when they are in lockdown or unable to work, but for the rest you allow them to deal with their own home and to learn how to run it efficiently. You know they do not but you cannot say anything because the money they spend on takeout orders when they have car bills to pay you have done yourself.
Fortunately at one point in your life you made a concerted effort to pay the bills first and whatever was left over was for take out orders and such. Many people, especially victims who feel they are hard done by, will indulge in extravagances that help them to block hurt and pain, the hurt and pain of life on earth, but this is not abundance. This is the pain of scarcity thinking. There is always guilt involved such as, “I should not do this but I am going to treat myself.” If you examine this closely, you see the masochistic thinking behind short term alleviation of pain through indulgence.
Me: As for detachment, I've found that distancing myself and being alone, then rebalancing my chakras helps. But yes, I take other people way too seriously. Yes, I also had to learn that financial lesson about how to care for myself better. LOL It's not easy. I wanted to ease pain by not feeling it. You have to feel the pain and then set about creating boundaries with yourself to do better. And I did. The rent gets paid first, the bills are on auto payment, and they're all scheduled to come out at the end of the month when I have money to pay them, so no more NSF's to cover. The bank doesn't like me taking their money, but they're more than happy to alleviate me of mine.
Ivo: The other thing that people believe is that pain is a motivator. It is no motivator. This is a misconception. Wishing to avoid pain is the motivator and the motivator is self love.
Many of you feel guilty in January because you ate too many treats over Christmas time. So you go on a diet, after looking in the mirror and crying about how ugly you find yourselves to suddenly have become. Did you realize, for starters, that this is a cycle they have you living? Why do you think that home gyms are suddenly so available in January every year? Do you not get fed up of buying gym equipment and using it five times and then allowing it to gather dust in the basement afterwards?
Me: LOL Yeah, I did that.
Ivo: Guilt is no motivator, in fact it is a low vibrational state. There is no power, no energy in feeling guilty. So is shame, shame is close to death it is so low. These are no motivators. What motivates you to want to exercise is self love and this comes from the higher dimensions which you embody.
Me: Why is it that self love never keeps people from overindulging in the first place?
Ivo: It does, for some people are able to see the occasion of Christmas as being the reason for the gathering itself, and others enjoy the company of others more than the taste of shortbread.
Me: Oh, you had to bring that one up, didn't you? Yes, I got into the shortbread this year. But I'm back on my low carb and feeling better. I love shortbread, and I love Christmas cake, that slightly smelly loaf that North Americans tend to turn their noses up at. Those are my two Christmas things. I figure nobody's perfect. At least I got off of the sugary egg nog because that would've sent my blood sugar for a roller coaster ride. I do like the taste of it though but I'll have to see if I can make some with Stevia in it, not sugar. That's the thing about keto, folks, or low carb – you can still eat. Low calorie diets you have to starve yourself. I remember that people would talk about leaving potatos and bread out of their diets to keep their weight down and I thought, “Wow! Those are the two best foods, why would you skip them?” They were on low carb diets and they knew what the rest of us are finding out now. Low carb diets work. Eat a salad a day and you're doing real well.
Ivo: It is not bad to indulge yourself a little, with a favourite treat or two. It is when the occasion becomes an opportunity to gorge rather than relate to people that it is out of balance.
Me: Like my old Christmases with my family. They all brought so many treats the whole table was full of sugary foods. Of course I couldn't resist. Stuffing myself was the only way I could deal with them. And really folks, that's a sign. If you're using then you're either going to have to find some way to see the positive in your life, or you need a new life, possibly with new people. If you're with a family that enjoys shooting you down, you need to live alone. I did. I walked away. Best decision I ever made. I deserve better and it's when you realize this you'll reexamine your life. We all deserve better. If we didn't the GFL wouldn't be here helping us.
Use Words that Don't have a Judgmental Meaning to Them.
The language people use is telling. It tells a lot to others about what frequency they're vibrating at.
Eating too much or pigging out
Getting wasted or having a drink
Kooter or vagina
Dick or penis
I'm not saying to go overboard and start calling everyone “Child of God,” or Beloved, which is something I hear people using who need to ground themselves... who the hell calls someone “Beloved” these days? You need to get real. By the way, you're coming across as really pretentious to other people, and that's something that will not lend any credibility to our collective mission. You've got two feet, put them back on the ground and start respecting others instead of behaving like you're holier than them.
It's exactly the opposite of calling someone a pig for eating too much. You've got to learn to see extreme behaviour and then learn to walk the middle ground. Why? Because your chakras can become imbalanced to either extreme – either the superior side like when you call others “Beloveds” or the inferior side where you call others “Assholes.” Balance is in the middle, and that's where your Light is strongest, not on the edges.
Ivo: Correct, my love. See people from a balanced perspective. Understand they are a combination of negative and positive now. Do not expect perfection from others because this is part of your unbalanced perception and you could be viewing others through your wounds.
Me: Yes, the wounds, the negative auric energies that are clumped up, obscuring your positive view of life. And the attachments that are connected to the holes in your auric field, sucking away your energy and prompting you to be nasty. This is another thing you can do to raise your frequency to 5D: stop allowing others to negatively influence you, whether they be seen or unseen.
Ivo: And this is another point we have made : About good energetic maintenance.
Me: I'll link the articles we're written in here so people can read them. Rebalancing chakras daily can help you to see things from a more balanced perspective. When the energies in the chakras are out of balance, then your outlook is out of balance. You have to stop and rebalance your chakras. This is easy. You can use meditations on youtube to do it.
Also clearing your auric field of negative attachments, clearing your auric field of hooks and other energetic connections where other people have hooked into you and could be either feeding you negative energy or taking your positive energy, or both. Clearing hooks and cords has to be done frequently as well.
The bottom line is there is a lot you can do to get to a fifth dimensional frequency. It's a question of looking at yourself, evaluating your mood and working to raise your frequency as you are a being of energy. Energy can always vibrate faster and it's a question of working to increase your frequency if it's low.
YouTube: SharonandIvoofVega
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