The Other Side of the Veil | Catherine Viel

By Catherine Viel, December 31, 2021

(Golden Age of Gaia)

December 30, 2021

No ladders, no descending angels, no voice
out of the whirlwind, no rending
of the veil, or chariot in the sky…
Only…the moon,
appearing suddenly over your shoulder, brimming
and ovoid, ripe with light, lifting slowly, deliberately,
wobbling slightly, while far below, the faithful sea
rises up and follows.

~Carolyn Miller, The World as It is

I feel as if I am floating along in a brightly colored hot-air balloon, carefree, bright-eyed, looking down on a world that makes less and less sense. And not feeling compelled to let the air out of my balloon and descend in order to play a part.


Such simple things can make me happy. Bloodwork on our cat from his regular checkup came back perfect. We managed to get necessary errands done before it started raining. It has been raining, which is cause far incredulous joy in artificially drought-stricken California.

The veil is still firmly in place everywhere I look. You know, that veil. The one that separates humans from greater knowledge and awareness, and which is being frantically tacked down on all sides by the global elitists as they scramble to gain more power, or just hang on to the appearance of what they still have.

If what I understand about the negatively inclined offworlders who have been dictating the globalists’ activities is true, it’s no wonder they’re frantic. Apparently those ET‘s have been given the boot.

They keep trying so hard, the downward-spiraling elite. Since they still control the media, they appear to be succeeding. At least on the surface.

The local paper dutifully carries the narrative. The Omicron variant has been found in Santa Barbara County!

Locals who heed official proclamations do so even when they don’t have to. There may be slightly fewer people wearing masks outdoors, but they are still abundantly in evidence. (For those who don’t know, California has a statewide indoor mask mandate in place for…well, indefinitely.)


The bank was closed when I went to the ATM, which seemed a little weird. Must be closed for holiday on both December 30 and December 31…

Or maybe not for holiday. Maybe for some other purpose.

When I got cash, I wondered if these well-circulated bills would soon be collectors’ items. In her recent 2022 forecast reading, Janine related that a follower had emailed a little story about going to the bank and asking innocently, so, when will the new US notes be available? (1)

Reportedly, the response was: very soon, in January.

It’s tempting to make a forecast of my own. How disappointed I will be if this is not the case. If the new banking system (supposedly already in place) does not publicly roll out in January or February or March… (2)

On some level, I already know that it truly isn’t going to matter to me. Not in any deeply disturbing manner. Annoyance or impatience, perhaps.

But gut-wrenching, nail-biting anxiety? Metaphorical wailing and gnashing of teeth?

Doesn’t feel like that.


We take State Route 192 home from Santa Barbara to Goleta, as we usually do, enjoying the greening of the hills and the low clouds scudding over the Santa Ynez Mountains. Sprinkles of bright yellow catch my eye, nodding from the roadside ditch. I take a second look.

The mustard is blooming. In December. What the heck? Even in Southern California, that seems a bit early.

I choose to take it as a sign. There may be no release of the new US notes come Monday. The illegitimate US administration may still be clinging on for weeks or months.

But it has been raining, in a nourishing, steady manner, intermittently for weeks. I can’t remember the last truly normal year of rain in California.

Whether people cling to their fear of the Omicron variant (which by most non-mainstream accounts is very much like a seasonal cold), or continue in their cult-like devotion to wearing masks needlessly, can be completely immaterial to me.

Instead, I can note the mustard blooming riotously along the roadside. The brave yellow flowers seem emblematic of a wider mood shift of Earth, and even of people. Even of people who seem utterly clueless at the moment.


I pull the release and let a little more hot air gush into my exuberant balloon. Hey, do you want to come along? It’s one of those metaphysical balloon baskets that expand exponentially to accommodate however many beings wish to go for the ride. This ride that we’re experiencing right now, the ride of this lifetime and probably many, many lifetimes for all of us.

Up here, the veil is so thin we can see right through it. And what do you know. There really are rainbows and unicorns on the other side.

(1) Tarot by Janine, World Forecast 2022, 12/29/21,

(2) On Simon Parkes’ site, he notes: “The US $, that kingpin of the oil world, will officially be ‘dead’ tomorrow Friday for all government transactions. And will be replaced on Monday by new asset backing. This is a pivotal moment as we transition to a new system.” (12/30/21)
The Other Side of the Veil | Catherine Viel The Other Side of the Veil | Catherine Viel Reviewed by TerraZetzz on 12/31/2021 02:03:00 PM Rating: 5

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