Goodbye, 2021! Credit: johnnylhuie.github.io
By Steve Beckow, December 31, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Where did 2021 go? The same place as 2020, I imagine. Whoosh! Out the door.
I imagine no one can look back on 2021 without feeling a little bruised – except the bruisers.
I wanted to reflect on the peculiar situation 2022 finds me – and maybe us – in.
The ins and outs of the Covid scam won’t interest me forever. The cabal will have to come up with something new to hold my interest and excite my alarm.
The cabal tries to maintain our state of anxiety through periodic fearful false-flag events, often staged weather disasters using their weather-warfare weapons; sometimes mass shootings and explosions, as at Las Vegas, Paris, and Boston, using the same crisis actors over and over; sometimes, as now, releasing a “pandemic virus” into the environment – SARS, AIDS, Ebola.
There’s so much rumor and so many atrocities that we haven’t posted on. I’m not posting Frazzeldrip or anything else from Anthony Weiner’s laptop, Hunter Biden’s, etc. I leave that to President Trump and the military.
I’m sure they have the best brains and hearts working on how to break the news to the world of what has been occurring on Planet Earth among our erstwhile “elite.”
If a large proportion of it proves true, the floor will fall out of a lot of people’s worlds.
Meanwhile, what the Alliance is up to is a closely-guarded secret and I’m fine with waiting for confirmed news of it.
Both the cabal and the Alliance don’t want too much scrutiny but neither wants us to forget about them either so I’m betwixt and between.
I’m in a state of tension between maintaining interest in the Alliance and letting them do the needful, and continuing to care less and less for what the cabal does next, wanting instead to get on with something more creative than simple fear-filled reactivity.
Picture all of that as a thought bubble. All of it no longer interests me.
The whole thing I release back to the Mother, even at the price of isolation.
On the one hand we have lightworkers like Digger Barr having heart openings; on the other hand we have the dark forces practicing the worst and most abominable acts on other humans, soon to be revealed.
The next chapter will surely see the best of times. It will also be the very worst for some of us. Getting better is assured, but it may hurt deeply before we get there.
Has been the Worst; Will be the Best | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
12/31/2021 02:04:00 PM