(Golden Age of Gaia)
Judith Kusel.com
My heart and soul are filled with so much gratitude and awe, as the New Earth is now fully present and indeed the signs are everywhere.
I started my “White Flame” Course this week and had my first Zoom session last night, when I was drawn to go out on my balcony early this morning, I was greeted with this scene!
The Crystal Pyramid Temples of White Flame are now fully activated again, and indeed I was sharing my whole journey of rediscovery with my students last night, and indeed what the Pyramid Technology was all about in Ancient Times.
I have been working intense with the Crystal Pyramids and the Crystalline Pyramid Grids, since 2008 and indeed it came as a confirmation this morning, when I took this photo!
It came as huge sign, for which I am so grateful!
We have indeed stepped over the line, and into the point of no-return in the last three days.
The New Earth is vibrant, alive and the signs are everywhere, if one only has eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart and soul to know!
Within my such joy! I am overflowing with Love.
When one is lifted beyond the beyond and ATONE with All That Is, words are superfluous.
I have had so many tears of sheer gratitude, awe and wonder since yesterday, when I received a message and pictures from a dear friend, and what I was guided to ask her to do exactly one year ago, pertaining to the New Jerusalem rising. She had indeed been true and has kept on doing the same, for a whole year. And now, exactly a year later, so many miracles have occurred as the New Earth and New Jerusalem are rising, and more than this: – to after all these years being called upon to start sharing the inner teachings of the White Flame, is indeed a miracle in itself!
I am beyond grateful!
This is indeed not about me; it never has been – it is about the Divine Masterplan fulfilled itself in the New Earth!
All is sacred and all is sanctified!
We are but actors on the Cosmic Stage.
The New Earth is Fully Present | Judith Kusel
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
11/15/2021 09:21:00 PM