From God we came, to God we return
By Steve Beckow, October 11, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
I’m finding myself very inward drawn. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Stress is followed by a cooling off.
Moreover, we’re all waiting for the other Alliance shoe to drop. I’m taking this time to reflect.
The stillpoint at the center of my being is the Father-in-me.
It’s made to appear individuated when looked upon from my eyes, wherever I’m located in terms of consciousness. Viewed from a higher – or a deeper – setting, I hear that there’s no separation.
Everything else but that stillpoint is the Mother.
The Mother hath made this temple with its seven pillars – this Third-Dimensional body with its seven chakras.
She cries at the chakra-gates: I hear her every day as the high-pitched Aum that’s constantly in my ears. I just assume it’s the same with other people. I’ve never asked anyone.
Knowledge of her is more precious than rubies. She holds the keys to the Kingdom. Rather than a handful of rubies, she offers it all.
The Mother is the face of the One who will take us to the One who has no face.
We’re drawn by a longing for liberation (1), that no one escapes, back to the Divine Couple.
What does all this serve? Everything, like a divine torus, emanating from God and returning to God again?
For what reason? What reason could there be in these unimaginably-exalted regions except delight?
The Father has the delight of meeting the Father when God meets God. And God meets God when any one of us realizes who we are. My true identity, your true identity, the true identity of that blade of grass is God.
As we rise higher and higher, everything associated with strife and stress, everything walled off from bliss and delight falls away and we emerge progressively burnished, until we shine. What is there at those levels not to delight?
I’m in bliss at this moment. All I can do is write.
(1) Just enter “longing for liberation” in the search box, with quotation marks; same with all terms used here.
That Blade of Grass is God | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/11/2021 11:07:00 PM