By Catherine Viel, October 11, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
October 10, 2021
I sing the body electric…
The thin red jellies within you or within me, the bones and the marrow in the bones,
The exquisite realization of health;
O I say these are not the parts and poems of the body only, but of the soul,
O I say now these are the soul!
~Walt Whitman, I Sing the Body Electric

I started being able to hear the voice of my body a few weeks ago.
I don’t mean via a sudden pain or energetic shiver or another physical sensation, which are also communications.
It spoke in a clear somewhat androgynous voice in simple declarative words.
And I just accepted it, and listened.
It’s already faded away, whatever that conversation was about. I think I probably asked myself a health question, and this was the voice that answered.
I knew immediately whose voice it was—“body.” It was not like anything I had ever mentally “heard” before. It had a dispassionate quality, very matter-of-fact, diagnostic and unambiguous.
It occurs to me that, between the body and the subconscious, everything is available. Anything I need to know in this life exists within the pool of knowledge and the universal access that I already hold within the container of my own skin.

I’m used to the subtle messages: the hunger (or disinterest in eating), the craving for certain foods. This direct voice contact is taking some getting used to.
I don’t suppose it’s much different than any other two-way communication we achieve with Spirit (Divine, God, Soul, Higher Self…). For me, it goes through a couple of stages.
Awareness. What’s that I hear? Or notice, or simply become aware of? For months before my first Reiki attunements in January, 2017, I was subjected to periodic waves of intense, tingling vibrations running up and down both legs. “Electric” was the best way I could describe it.
The higher beings (Angels and others) who were present during Reiki I and II identified the sensations when I asked about it.
“Oh,” said Carolyn, my teacher, “They said it was trapped energy. They released it for you.”
Oddly, I kind of missed the tingling, but once I understood what had been going on, I was profoundly grateful to have the trapped energy released.

Willingness. Something is happening. What, if anything, shall I do about it, or with it? With this new body-voice, I’m going quite slowly. I haven’t noticed the voice speaking except when I ask it specifically for advice or information (“Should I go to this practitioner? Is it beneficial to do this exercise?”).
Perhaps there will come a point when the body-voice is able to initiate communication. Or, more likely, when I reach a point of intermittent quietness where, in those moments of empty space, I can hear messages other than from my chattering mind.
Acceptance and ability to believe. Those may be the toughest stages. Accepting that this is real and believing that it is what I believe it is.
Because if I were to say, “My body told me it would be good to eat that ice cream,” most people I know would roll their eyes and say, “Sounds like a good justification to me.”

I still have a lot of “most people” in me. I’ve had lifelong encouragement (“programming” sounds so Orwellian) to only heed the tangible physical world and what people call reality. Believing I literally hear my own body speak in perfectly clear English veers into voices-in-her-head territory.
Luckily, I’m getting to the point where I give more credence to those voices than I give to all the outer logical messages that try to drown it out. (I take precautions, of course, by asking to hear only messages of / from the Light.)
I feel fortunate to be in this time and place, this world of rising planetary vibrations, so that I not only receive this internal / God-Source contact, but wholeheartedly believe it. Even if it conflicts with what logic and external messaging insist is right, true, real.
So I’ll listen to the singing of my Body Electric, and heed its beautiful voice. If I misunderstand or hear a bit of a different message than it is sending me, I’ll remember that I’m still learning.
And that it’s all working precisely as it’s meant to, in the timing of the highest Universal Good. Self-knowledge is bliss, as are acceptance, willingness, and patience.

Singing the Body Electric | Catherine Viel
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/11/2021 11:06:00 PM