Who turned out the lights?
By Steve Beckow, October 5, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
I’m getting a little teary-eyed here because, if the Internet does go down and we have three days of announcements and videos, it’s likely we’ll have the Reval as well. (The rumor is that the NPTB want to declare G/NESARA on October 15.)
If the Reval happens, that’s 90 days vacation for me. So we could at any point enter the null zone.
So I want to tell you before it happens – and I think I speak for the Fab Four plus one (Suzi, Sitara, Kathleen, Catherine – and Karen) – how delightful it’s been to serve you, as citizen journalists, lightworkers, and, with you, ascending beings.
And to thank you for having financially supported us for all these years. For some of us here, your donations have been our only means of support. (Please don’t stop until we have a Reval!)
I’m getting nostalgic.
This was my third venture into journalism. I briefly ran a blog for Mensa called Amen, back in the days when “newsletters” were printed and mailed out. And I ran numerous business newsletters for engineering firms.
But this venture – the 2012 Scenario and later the Golden Age of Gaia – was totally different.
What gave me the temerity to start a blog reporting on the events of this world, and the next, and other galaxies, and other dimensions?
Where do I get off spouting my opinions? Who cares? Who’d want to listen?
It didn’t matter. I wanted to write. I feel happy, loving, joy-filled when I’m writing. And, of course, now that I’m aware of my mission and duty (to write), I have full permission to do what I love. (One’s mission and what one loves to do are usually the same. How’s that for hard-nosed permission giving?)
We are the People of the Internet
And I didn’t just want to write about anything. I’ve written about pulp mills and copper mines, satellite imaging systems and automobile associations. Ugh. Never again, please, Michael?
No, I wanted to take my experiences at Cold Mountain Institute, the est Training, and Enlightenment Intensives and apply what I’d learned there to society’s issues.
I wanted to reach the level of transparency we had at Cold Mountain after three months of an encounter group and speak from that space, to show it can be done and feels great.
I risked being dismissed as a navel gazer or narcissist. Back in the 1970s, we were dismissed as the “Me Generation.” We were about “I” (Self-knowledge), not “me.” We were about the Subject, not the object. We were about raising our awareness; chiefly our self-awareness.
The allegation was that we were self-indulgent and lazy. The ridicule now is that we’re “conspiracy theorists.” Same blame game.
At the same time that I wanted to achieve a high degree of transparency in print, I also wanted to serve as a witness to an historic spiritual event – Ascension.
Arrival on the higher dimensions is so far beyond anything we can imagine, as I’ve been fortunate to experience and you’ve probably heard enough of already from me. (1) I liken arriving there to a wonderful and completely satisfying explosion. An explosion of love. An explosion of bliss. An explosion of peace.
Even saying “get out of jail” or any other mundane metaphor will not prepare us for what we’ll find there. Let’s call this an historical impulse to record such an event.
There was also a spiritual impulse. I’ve studied enlightenment since 1977. I’ve had more spiritual experiences than I can remember and I’ve talked with the Divine Mother and Archangel Michael. I feel fortunate beyond my wildest dreams.
I know from the 1987 vision of the purpose of life that the same entities are worshipped in all religions: God the Mother, God the Father, and God the Self (Child). (2) I want to write on cross-cultural spirituality. Let’s start there and then we can go on to intergalactic and interdimensional.
So if the curtain does fall on Oct. 5, as some say it will, I will miss you. I’ve met so many of you and it’s all been very special to me. (3) You’ve been my/our family for the past ten years.
I hope you’ve had fun and enjoyed hearing about sahaja samadhi and vasanas, universal laws and Arcturian reveries, while waiting for the Reval and Ascension. I enjoyed describing it all and I’m sure the others did as well.
Who knows what will return when they turn the lights back on? I feel quite certain that we’ll be back, probably with everything intact. And we hope you’ll be back as well.
Much love from all of us here in case we go dark,
(1) I write every article with enough information in it that a newcomer could follow it, as if it could succeed as a standalone article. That means a lot of repetition. Michael once said to me, you don’t like repeating yourself much, do you? I answered no. He replied, how do you think I feel? (There is no escape!)
(2) For a description of the vision, see “The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment – Ch. 13 – Epilogue,” August 13, 2011, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2011/08/13/the-purpose-of-life-is-enlightenment-ch-13-epilogue/
(3) I especially remember the couple who came down from Osoyoos (I believe it was) and propped their two laptops open to the Golden Age of Gaia in the Starbucks I frequented at the time. I saw it, was delighted, and walked over and they told me they’d set it up to catch my attention. That was most sweet and memorable.
In Case We Go Dark | Steve Beckow
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/05/2021 11:10:00 PM