By Catherine Viel, October 5, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
October 4, 2021
By email ~ Dr. Peebles through Natalie Gianelli ~ NatalieGianelli.com
A note from Natalie…

Greetings Beautiful Souls,
For more than a year, we have been on some version of lock-down. Our dreams and plans were seemingly consigned to the back burner. It was a time-out that gave us an opportunity to feel through what the future can be and to become clear about what gives our hearts joy and fulfillment.
Like all things, expansion happens step by step; and it’s finally “go” time. It’s time to put your energy into high gear in one area that will allow you to up-level and elevate your life. You needn’t tackle everything at once. Just get excited about one idea, one goal, one opportunity. Visualize it. Come to know it like the back of your hand. Then take that first step.
This is a time of awakening, breakthrough and expansion; and the heart is in charge. If you can dream it, you can create it. It’s already done!
So much love to all of you!

From Dr. Peebles:
An individual who becomes fascinated with plants and different kinds of birds and flowers, no longer looks at the bird on the wire and says, “Look, there’s a bird.” He looks at it and says, “That is a robin and it is sitting next to a blue jay.” The individual is able to distinguish one bird, one flower and one cactus from another.
Once you become interested, you begin to see the differences in particular kinds of cacti, birds, flowers, even ideas and opportunities. You begin to understand that everything is one energy and you begin to fall in love with yourself as part of the all-that-is.

These are pivotal times of awakening and breaking through. The little chicken cannot protect itself by staying inside the egg, it would die. It is protecting itself by pecking out and encouraging itself to see a much broader world. So when you find your mind, ego, thought processes are trying to restrict and protect you, we want you to take a very deep breath and recognize that you can take action and allow the expansion to happen.
This is a time of awakening and we ask you to strengthen your connection to Planet Earth and the divine, and ask yourselves, and the all-that-is, “What is mine to do, what is being asked of me?” Then go forward courageously, step by step, letting your heart lead. This very simple process of moving from the mind to the heart is still the most effective path to expansion.

Dr. Peebles via Natalie Gianelli: The Life You Want Begins Today | Catherine Viel
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
10/05/2021 11:05:00 PM