Tuesday, September 14, 2021

No Nuclear War for the World, Some Play-Acting? Probably | Steve Beckow

By Steve Beckow, September 14, 2021

(Golden Age of Gaia)

Regular Reminder: No Nuclear War for the World. Some Play-Acting ? Probably

Juan O Savin warned us of a “near death experience” for Americans in the foreseeable future. (1)

By that he meant that a gripping event would occur to wake people up. It would have the equivalent impact of a near-death experience – which can jolt a person awake to the nature of reality.

Blossom’s sources have also warned us:

Federation of Light: We have said it will get worse before it gets better. We have told you that you will need every part of your Being to be on call, in order to remain in Strength during these times.

On your mainstream media, there is little room for Truth. Yet between the network of souls who KNOW THE TRUTH … so much is coming about in ways of breakthroughs.





So we seem to be headed for something designed to get our attention and awaken the still-slumbering. And they want us to keep our vibrations high; for me that means the divine states like love, peace, compassion.

At the same time, there are limits to what chaos we’ll experience.

For instance, there will be no nuclear war on Earth (period, full stop). Our star family will not allow it. Gaia will not. Apparently God won’t allow it either, SaLuSa tells us:

“You have been prevented from destroying the Earth, as God decided that the destruction of another planet in your solar system would not be allowed.” (3)

“God … should be thanked for the assurance that you will not be destroyed in some cataclysm. It has been decreed how this cycle shall end, and only God can decide otherwise.

“You can therefore go forward with absolute trust and belief in the process of Ascension, that shall end your time in duality. No threats or occurrences can alter that which has been divinely decreed.” (4)

Matthew Ward adds his reassurance:

“In ruling this universe, God’s responsibility [the God of this universe] is adherence to those laws set by Creator [the Creator of All], including Creator’s one exception to honoring free will choices: There will be no more nuclear detonations in space.” (5)

“Please have no fear that Russia or China will start an armed conflict with the United States that could burgeon into a nuclear war. Despite the rhetorical posturing that some of your analysts consider worrisome, none of those countries’ leaders wants to become embroiled in a war that could imperil the world.

“And, if any other country or rogue group were to send up a missile with a nuclear warhead, ever-diligent crews in spacecraft surrounding Earth will prevent its detonation.” (6)

Of course most nuclear weapons today are delivered via space so that effectively means no nuclear weapons.

This prohibition is important to know because according to some scenarios there will be a credible threat of a nuclear World War III. But we can relax in the knowledge that it won’t happen.

Who around us is suggesting what a possible scenario for this tumultuous interlude might look like? I know of only one source: Judy Byington’s daily Reval report. I’m going to reprint the scenario she gives after this article.

I have no idea of its accuracy; I hope it turns out to be totally inaccurate. Who wants to go through what may await us next?

Print it off because electricity may go off for a while. If it does turn out to be accurate, at least we’ll have a rough idea of what may be transpiring around us.

I’ve put aside enough food for myself and three other friends (I hope they like chili and canned salmon).

Years ago we used to talk about “ten days of darkness” but I have no idea whether coming events will amount to that or be what people were referring to back then.

If nothing happens …

… I’ll eat chili and canned salmon for a month.


(1) His tape is well worth listening to: https://rumble.com/vmbzj2-david-didnt-play-goliaths-game.html. Near-death experience comment at 26’40”.

(2) “The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild, Aug. 3, 2021,” at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2021/08/02/the-federation-of-light-through-blossom-goodchild-aug-3-2021/.

(3) SaLuSa, Oct. 29, 2010, at at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm. Mike continues:

“The negative forces will no longer be able to force their ways upon those of you who seek a peaceful life free from the abomination of war. Threats of war grow but at the same time many sources continue to work towards permanent peace on Earth. Be assured however serious the threats are and posturing becomes, there is absolutely no way a nuclear war will be allowed.

“Whilst your freewill is acknowledged, the higher powers have made it quite clear that no nuclear devices will be allowed to be used. Any attempt to do so will result in total failure and that is the Will of God.” (Mike Quinsey, Sept. 8, 2017, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm. )

(4) Ibid., Sept. 9, 2009.

(5) Matthew’s Message, Aug. 5, 2005, at https://www.matthewbooks.com.

(6) Ibid., Jan. 8, 2017.

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of September 13, 2021

Judy Byington, Operation Disclosure, 13 September 2021


A. Mon. 13 Sept. Information from Q:

1. We will receive seven messages from the president to every mobile phone in the world before it is disconnected. – This won’t last long. – … EBS will be broadcast by 10 countries, covering the whole world.

2. Power supply [will be] interrupted. – The global power cut will consist of switching to Tesla power. … [You] may be reminded that in January the power supply of 10 countries was disrupted by space plants [sic]. – Shortly before, within 30 minutes, this was the case in Israel. If they can have 10 countries at the same time, they can also have all the countries.

3. Airplanes and trains are landing. – Let’s not forget about the military exercises happening around the world. Everything is happening in front of our eyes. – This is the largest military operation in the history of planet Earth.

4. There will be a unique water event. – It will probably include the Chinese Three Gorges Dam, whose wall has cracked [which] can drain the water level at any time. – Below are 24 nuclear reactors that would be deactivated by a cyber attack launched from space. There is also a large laboratory where Andrea chrome [sic] is produced. The water of the dam will fall on the city of Wuhan. – In recent months, the population of the area has been evacuated from there. – The Three Gorges Dam is one of the most important elements of the big event.

5. White Hats will cause a Black Swan Event, which is an occurrence that deviates beyond what is normally expected of a situation and is extremely difficult to predict, to introduce a global state of war. This will be the most important summer [sic] of the 21st century.

6. Terrible events will happen. – A fictional III World War scenario aiming to shake people awake. Sirens warn of nuclear warfare. Sirens [will be sounding] in all national military command centers.

7. The event will certainly lead to a collapse in the stock market and a worldwide military agreement.