(Golden Age of Gaia)
The prime strategy existing in sociopathic behavior is to dim the light of others. As long as the light in others remains dim, there becomes more time in a collective lower vibrational frequency for such patterning to exist and take advantage of those in view.
The way sociopathic behavior dims the lights of others is by demonstrating such shockingly confusing and egregious behavior that it shuts down the empathy of a heart-centered person. Whether witnessing it first hand, or personally on the receiving end of atrocious behavior, a heart-centered person shuts down in survival mode, now existing in the same realm as the sociopath.
It is the realm of separation; us versus them and me against you.
From this space, a heart-centered person attempts to reason with a sociopath, even calling them out on their behavior, as if, they had the ability to self-reflect or even the capacity to acknowledge the importance of such a conscious instinct.
As a heart-centered person turns away from their light to forge a battle with the wrong-doings of a sociopath, they are agreeing to receive all the sociopath has to dish out, in exchange for the fleeting opportunity to project their judgments onto a sociopathic condition that can only be strengthened by it.
This is an unconscious agreement known as ‘fair game’.
If you want to give a sociopath a piece of your mind, you must enter their lower vibrational domain and agree to receive them just as you insist on them hearing you. This is how anger acts as a force of self-manipulation, transforming any person’s fight into another victim feeding the insatiable compulsive hunger of sociopathic tendencies.
Through the implementation of boundaries, a willingness to walk away instead of argue, while focusing on the personal and global changes that brings about a greater good for all, a heart-centered person stays aligned with their light — helping to unravel a darkness that cannot exist without others agreeing to enter their lower vibrational domain.
This is why, when giving your power to sociopathic behavior, you always have less power available to you.
With less power available to you, the pull is to confront as a way of demanding change. This places you in the role of a frustrated child who demands change from the aloof archetypal parent — more often than not leaving the parent archetype with all the power and the child unheard, invalidated, overlooked, and disempowered as a result.
To fight sociopathic behavior is to give it more things to dominate and control.
This doesn’t mean to look away. That would be a form of spiritual bypassing.
I am suggesting to look so deeply into the condition of sociopathic patterning until the pain sociopaths hide from can be seen.
As the pain sociopaths hide from is seen by your consciousness, you are helping to dissolve the darkness that eliminates one more predator from the face of the planet; whether their soul is ready to perish or awaken into the presence of self-accountability.
This is what it means to anchor the light. It unhooks you from the patterns of victimhood to create a vibrational reality where all positive solutions that elicit change can be manifested, seen, and embraced for the salvation and sovereignty of all.
Whether the anchoring of your light manifests more evolved forms of legislature, helps you focus on candidates you would rather vote for, inspires you to raise money and awareness for charitable organizations already bringing about the change you desire, or furthering any other community-inspired movement of progress, it is the light you anchor by seeing someone’s pain versus waging a war of judgment, that delivers each perceived ‘enemy’ into the hands of justice.
This is all done by Universal Law and always on your behalf — when leading by example becomes your gift to the world.
All For Love,
This is What it Means to Anchor the Light | Matt Kahn
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
8/04/2021 12:49:00 PM