By Catherine Viel, July 13, 2021
(Golden Age of Gaia)
July 12, 2021
Where past Time the roads go far
Littered with dust of sun and star…
Thoughts and bodies bright
Are turning to eternal light.
~Haniel Long, Star-Dust
After I learned Reiki in early 2017, I would spend an hour every day giving myself Reiki. I did that for months after Reiki I/II attunements, not because I was told to or thought I should, but because I wanted to. It just felt right.

I don’t know what other new practitioners typically experience, but I would spend that time lying prone and a bit spaced-out, with electrical-feeling energy running through me and a lot of interesting imagery going through the eye of my mind.
Sometimes I would “see” sparkling grid-like constructs protectively caging my body. Sometimes images that I interpreted as helpful beings would appear, chatting away while they “worked” on me. For some reason, none of this perturbed me although I hadn’t had similar experiences previously.
Then one day, out of nowhere, the thought/feeling popped fully formed into my head: Where is my star family? And I burst into tears.
Keep in mind that I hadn’t been doing any alternative-type research at that point. I was practicing Reiki in a limited way, and having occasional sessions with my Reiki teacher, Carolyn, which were introducing me to the alternative realm that I am now familiar with.

But I don’t believe I had heard the term “star family” before, or if I had, it hadn’t stuck with me. So I didn’t know what a star family was and couldn’t imagine why they’d come to mind. Most of all, I wondered why I experienced such a gut-wrenching sense of loss and longing when I thought of them, whoever they were.
When I asked Carolyn about it, she nodded thoughtfully. “It sounds like you’re beginning to remember.” (1)
In early 2019 I asked Dr. Peebles about my star family, and if they had any message or information for me. Not surprisingly, they did.
Dr. Peebles: If you look at the night sky and begin to see the stars, the twinkly nature of these stars, these planets, these clusters, you can utilize it as an example, as a reference point of what your body looks like to them.

You can imagine yourself as the solar system, the Universal Oneness itself. And thinking of yourself like this will not only bring you a lot of joy, a smile upon the face, they are hoping, but it also gives you a reference point for the truth. That you know yourself to be a collection of magical molecules and particles, and that what you’re witnessing in the ethers, in the external, in your Universal Oneness seeing through your eyes, is also witnessing you like you’re witnessing it.
If you were to get into a spaceship and travel closer and closer towards this sparkly light that you were seeing upon the Planet Earth, you’d recognize that it is a mass, it is a planet, it is a star in and of itself that has a density, that has a form and a function just like you do.
The closer they might get to you, you have form and a function and two arms and a nose and two ears, etc. But how they see you is how you see them.
So, this concept can bring you more and more into alignment with the truth of who you are. And it’s playful, they hope, for you to see yourself like this.
And also, it’s wonderful because sometimes if you are feeling a little low or you notice that your mind is in the way a little bit, nothing wrong, just sometimes you have little days that feel like they are more speed bumps than others…your galactic dear friends, your Guides, are saying, you can…it’s rather interesting, the visualization that they are giving here.

You can just ask them to just sharpen up, or shine, shine the sparkle, of you. You can imagine, for instance, like someone with a feather duster or a little rag, just shining up the little sparkly bits, which is exactly who you are.
It’s just a fun way, they hope, of giving you a physical visualization of raising your frequency. Of adjusting your vibration. Like polishing the crystals, yes? Or like shining up the little sparkles that you are.
They can help with this, because they don’t see you as a human being. They know you are a human being in the human form, but they don’t see you like this. You know that the twinkling star is a star, it has a mass, but you don’t see it like that. So, they can help with that, if you wish.
Dr. Peebles also suggested I write down my dreams in the morning, “as long as it doesn’t feel like a homework assignment,” to hear what my star family and other Guides want to tell me. Alas, it still feels like homework, so I haven’t done much about recording my dreams (though they are very intriguing when I do!).
But shining the sparkle! That I can do, right here and right now. This is a wonderful reminder to me, to ask my star family to shine the sparkle that I am.
Perhaps we can all ask them for this help, to shine the crystals, the miracles, that we already are, polish us up to greet Nova Gaia, so as we move closer to being able to perceive that New Earth, we are sparkling and shining our brightest.

Dr. Peebles through Natalie Gianelli, nataliegianelli.com
(1) Much later, I came across the illuminating message to Starseeds by Adamu through Zingdad (Adamu: The Starseed Contract and Planetary Ascension).
Of Stardust and Memories and Dreams | Dr. Peebles via Natalie Gianelli
Reviewed by TerraZetzz
7/13/2021 10:48:00 AM